Page 199 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 199
Zaman ifadelerindeki kesin değişikliklerin bağlama ve konuşmacının niyetine bağlı olarak değişebileceğine
dikkat etmek gerekir.
Direct Speech : “I will donate a portion of my salary to the charity tomorrow.”
Reported Speech: She said that she would donate a portion of her salary to the charity the following day.
Direct Speech : “I am interviewing our potential new employees right now.”
Reported Speech: He said that he was interviewing their potential new employees at that time.
Direct Speech : “We have been volunteering at the shelter for months.”
Reported Speech: They said that they had been volunteering at the shelter for months.
Direct Speech : “I won the science competition last year.”
Reported Speech: He said that he had won the science competition the previous year.
Expressions of Place in Reported Speech
Direct Speech Reported Speech
this that
these those
here there
come go
“This book offers valuable information about the history of the region.”
The librarian said this book offered valuable information about the history of the region. (İşaret edilen nesnenin yanında)
The librarian said that book offered valuable information about the history of the region. (İşaret edilen nesnenin
Eğer aktarma fiili (say, tell, ask, vb.), “The Simple Present Tense”, “The Present Perfect Tense” ve “The
Simple Future Tense” ile çekimlenmiş ise aktarılan cümlenin zamanında herhangi bir değişiklik olmaz.
Sadece zamirlerde değişiklik yapılır.
“The team is currently developing a new software application,” has said the project manager.
The project manager has said that the team is currently developing a new software application.
“The CEO has recently signed a partnership agreement with a global corporation,” has said the spokesperson.
The spokesperson has said that the CEO has recently signed a partnership agreement with a global corporation.
Aktarılan cümledeki “would”, “would rather”, “would prefer”, “would like” ve “would hate” gibi içinde “would”
olan yapılar “reported speech” yapısında kullanılırken cümlelerin bu bölümleri aynı kalır.
Direct Speech : “I would prefer to wear a stylish and elegant dress to the graduation ceremony.”
Reported Speech: Emily said that she would prefer to wear a stylish and elegant dress to the graduation ceremony.
Bilimsel gerçekler, genel doğrular ve kurallar “reported speech” ile aktarılırken zaman değişikliği yapılmaz.
Direct Speech : “The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of different layers.”
Reported Speech: The teacher explained that the Earth’s atmosphere is composed of different layers.
“If Clause Type 1” cümleleri, “reported speech” yapısında bir derece “past” olarak kullanılırken, “Type 2” ve
“Type 3” cümleleri aynı şekilde kullanılırlar.
Direct Speech : “If the young player wins the chess championship, she will get a cash prize.”
Reported Speech: The reporter said that if the young player won the chess championship, she would get a cash prize.