Page 81 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 81
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen 6. The ancient city of Machu Picchu, ---- for centuries
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. before it ---- by American historian Hiram Bingham in
1. The theory of relativity ---- by Albert Einstein and ---- as
A) had been abandoned / was rediscovered
a revolutionary advancement in scientific understanding
since then. B) has been abandoned / rediscovered
A) formulated / is regarded C) abandoned / had been rediscovered
B) has been formulated / regards D) is abandoned / has been rediscovered
C) had been formulated / was regarded E) will be abandoned / will rediscover
D) is formulated / has regarded
E) was formulated / has been regarded
2. Deforestation ---- by human activities and ---- to the 7. The research team ---- to present their findings at the
destruction of vital forest ecosystems. conference, but unfortunately, the event ---- due to
unforeseen circumstances.
A) caused / led
A) has planned / had been cancelled
B) has been caused / is led
B) plans / will be cancelled
C) is caused / leads
C) was planning / was cancelled
D) causes / is leading
D) had planned / is cancelled
E) was caused / has been led
E) will plan / will have been cancelled
3. Efforts ---- to ensure that equitable access to healthcare 8. Applications for the scholarship programme ---- until
services ---- by healthcare systems around the world. the end of this month, and successful candidates ----
by the selection committee.
A) are being made / is provided
A) are accepted / will notify
B) will be made / is providing
B) were accepted / have been notified
C) are made / provided
C) are going to be accepted / have notified
D) are making / has been provided
D) will be accepted / will be notified
E) have made / had been provided
E) have been accepted / were notified
4. The championship trophy ---- after a hard-fought and 9. I am going to ---- my laptop ---- tomorrow because it
breathtaking match that ---- the team’s exceptional suddenly stopped working, and I need it for my online
skill and determination. classes.
A) lifted / was displayed A) let / to fix
B) will lift / has displayed B) have / fixed
C) has been lifted / had displayed C) make / fixing
D) was lifted / displayed D) allow / fix
E) is being lifted / has been displayed E) get / fixing
5. ---- a skilled technician ---- the upgraded network has 10. The new shopping mall ---- in the city centre, and it
increased the internet speed for the entire office. ---- by thousands of visitors since its grand opening
last month.
A) Getting / installed
A) has been built / is visited
B) Having / install
B) builds / will visit
C) Letting / to install
C) had been built / was visited
D) Making / installing
D) will build / will be visited
E) Allowing / install
E) was built / has been visited