Page 79 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 79
6. If people ---- others ---- them when they are in trouble,
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen they can foster a sense of community and build stronger
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
bonds with those around them.
1. The first photograph of a black hole ---- with a global A) let / help
network of telescopes in 2019, and the image ---- the
first visible proof that black holes exist. B) allow / helping
C) have / helped
A) has taken / is going to provide
D) make / help
B) had been taken / was provided
E) get / to help
C) was taken / has provided
D) was being taken / will provide
E) took / had been provided 7. It is suggested that up to 99 per cent of our success
---- by the people we associate with because people
---- the attitudes and opinions of their companions.
2. In Brazil, UNICEF ---- a pilot programme called Active
Vaccination Search to boost immunisation among A) has been determined / are absorbed
children who ---- before. B) is being determined / absorbed
A) leads / have not vaccinated C) has determined / will be absorbed
B) is leading / have not been vaccinated D) is determined / absorb
C) is led / were not vaccinated E) will determine / have absorbed
D) has been leading / did not vaccinate
E) has been led / will not be vaccinated 8. If people ---- their check-ups regularly ----, they can
catch potential health issues early and maintain a
proactive approach to their well-being.
3. As visually impaired individuals ---- numerous challenges
in their daily lives, many tools and technologies ---- to A) allow / to do
increase their accessibility.
B) let / do
A) are facing / will develop C) get / to do
B) have been facing / were developed D) make / do
C) will face / are developing E) have / done
D) faced / had been developed
E) face / are being developed 9. In order to ensure worry-free driving, people should
---- their car ---- annually by a professional, who can
help them avoid any mechanical failures.
4. Many archaeologists ----- to find Pharaoh
Tutankhamun’s tomb before it ---- by Howard Carter A) have / inspect
and a team of Egyptian workers in 1922.
B) make / to inspect
A) had attempted / was discovered
C) let / inspected
B) were attempted / discovered
D) get / inspected
C) have attempted / was being discovered
E) allow / to inspect
D) attempted / had been discovered
E) had been attempted / was discovering
10. It ---- that people who live more socially connected
with their families, friends, and the community ----
5. Most schools ---- students ---- their smartphones in their happier and they live longer than less well-connected
lockers during class hours to minimise distractions. people.
A) have / to keep A) reveals / will be
B) get / kept B) is being revealed / have been
C) allow / keep C) has revealed / were
D) make / keep D) was revealed / are being
E) have / kept E) has been revealed / are