Page 75 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 75


        3. Passive Forms of Infinitive

                                                     Active                          Passive
         Present Infinitive              to + bare infinitive (V )       to + be + past participle (V )
                                                         1                                    3
         Perfect Infinitive              to have + past participle (V )  to + have + been + past participle (V )
                                                              3                                      3

              “Passive Infinitive” “to be + past participle (V )” şeklinde oluşturulur.
             The monumental structures of Göbeklitepe are waiting to be visited by curious travellers from all over the world.
             What motivates employees is to be praised for their hard work.
              Esas cümlenin fiili ile yan cümlenin fiili arasında zaman farkı varsa “to have been + V ” kullanılır.
             Clay tablets are known to have been utilised as a writing medium in ancient Mesopotamia.
             The office supplies seem to have been misplaced, as the storage room is a mess.
                                                                                                  Video 4.8
              “Need, require, want” fiilleri hem “verb + ing” hem de “to be + V ” ile edilgen yapılabilirler.
             The car needs to be serviced before it can be driven for long distances.
             The car needs servicing before it can be driven for long distances.
             Our network servers require to be updated regularly for security purposes.
             Our network servers require updating regularly for security purposes.
        4. Reporting Verbs in Passive Voice

              “Main clause + that clause” biçiminde iki bağlı cümleden oluşan yapılar iki şekilde edilgen hale getirilirler.
             Scientists have proved that magnesium supports bone health.
             It has been proved that magnesium supports bone health.
             Magnesium has been proved to support bone health.                                   Video 4.9

                             Yaygın olarak kullanılan dolaylı anlatım fiilleri (reporting verbs)
              allege         consider        expect           know            report          show

             assume          declare           feel          observe          reveal         suppose

             believe         discover          find          presume           say            think

              claim          estimate         intend          prove            see          understand

        5. Stative Passive

              İngilizce’de fiilin üçüncü hali (V ) sıfat görevi görür. Bunlar durum bildiren edilgen cümlelerdir; ancak kullanılan
           past participle (V ), eylemin nasıl veya kim tarafından yapıldığını ifade etmez. Yani sadece adı / durumu niteler. Bu
           nedenle sıfat görevi görürler.
             a) The table is broad.   b) The table is wooden.   c) The table is polished.
             İlk iki cümledeki “broad” ve “wooden” sözcük türü olarak sıfattır. “polished” ise polish fiilinin üçüncü halidir; ancak
             o da, “broad” ve “wooden” gibi “table” sözcüğünü nitelemiştir.

             The wooden table was polished by the carpenter the other day. (Passive action)
             (Ahşap masa geçen gün marangoz tarafından cilalandı.)
             When I entered the carpentry the other day, the table was polished. (Stative passive)
             (Geçen gün marangozhaneye girdiğimde masa cilalıydı.)

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