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        4. Different Structures in Comparison

        Karşılaştırma yapılırken sıfatların “comparative” halleri dışında kullanılan birçok karşılaştırma yapısı mevcuttur.

        as + adjective / adverb + as  (kadar…)

        “as……as”  yapısı  iki  kişi  ya  da  nesne  arasında  eşitlik  olduğu  durumlarda  kullanılır.  Bu  yapı  olumlu,  olumsuz  ve  soru
        cümlelerinde kullanılabilir. Eşitlik söz konusu değilse “not as………” yapısı kullanılır. Araya sıfat ya da zarf gelebilir.
           ▪ As the report suggests, we are as successful as our rivals in the market.

           ▪ Even someone as hardworking as Bob may have difficulty in solving such a hard question.

            “as……as” yapısı her zaman karşılaştırma yapmak için kullanılmayabilir.
           ▪ Since it is rather fragile, you had better wrap this antique vase as carefully as you can.
           ▪ We should set off as soon as possible; otherwise, we may miss the wedding ceremony.

        (as + many / much / few / little + noun + as)

            “as……as” yapısını miktar zarfları “many, much, few, little” ile kullanabiliriz. Bu durumda bu zarflardan sonra
             isim kullanılır.

           ▪ While on holiday, you can visit as many places as you can.
           ▪ The wedding hall was quite small, so we decided to invite as few people as possible.
           ▪ They decorated their house with as little furniture as possible.

            “as……as” yapısından önce “half, twice, three times, four times” gibi ifadeler, karşılaştırılan özelliklerin kaç kat
             olduğunu ifade eder.
           ▪ This dress is twice as expensive as the one you have just tried.

           ▪ The movie is not half as exciting as the book from which it was adapted.
        so + adjective / adverb + as (kadar…)

            “so……” yapısı anlam bakımından “as…….as” yapısıyla aynıdır. Fakat “so….as” yapısı sadece olumsuz ve
             soru cümlelerinde kullanılır. Araya sıfat ya da zarf gelebilir.

           ▪ Although I study hard, my grades are not so high as my classmates’.
           ▪ Do you work so hard as I do to change your destiny?
           ▪ Your car is not so fast as I expected. I would sell it if I were you.
           ▪ Things may not go so perfectly as they should, but this should not mean you will give up.

            “so…” ve “as……as” yapılarının arasına sıfat ve zarf dışında başka sözcükler de gelebilir.

           ▪ Messi did not play so / as well this week as he did last week, which was regarded as the main reason for the defeat
             by sports commentators.
           ▪ Rob is not so / as sensitive to pain as his wife is.

            “so…” yapısından sonra bir fiil geleceği zaman, bu fiil “to infinitive” olarak kullanılır ve “yapacak kadar…”
             anlamını verir.
           ▪ I know that Frank is not so rude as to break anyone’s heart.
           ▪ As the coach believed that he was not so talented as to play for the team, he did not approve the transfer.

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