Page 17 - 12 YDT
P. 17


        Forms of “other”

            “Another”, zamir olarak veya sıfat olarak tekil isimlerle birlikte kullanılabilir.   Video 1.6
              ▪ The athlete has won two gold medals so far, and she is expected to win another in the upcoming Olympic Games.
                 (as a pronoun)
              ▪ Another problem arose just after the workers had handled the first one. (as an adjective)
            Zaman, mesafe, para miktarı ifade eden çoğul ifadelerle kullanılabilir.
              ▪ The contractor demanded another two months to complete the job, although it necessitates a fine according to
                 the deal made.

            İki ya da daha fazla özne veya nesneden söz ederken çoğul ifadelerle kullanılır.
              ▪ Contrary to other articles, this one deals with points that have never been studied before.
            “Some”, “any”, “no”, “every” gibi ifadelerle birlikte de kullanılabilir.
              ▪ Although the official language of Austria is German, there are some other languages spoken among its citizens.

            “Others”, çoğul isimlerin yerine sadece zamir olarak kullanılır ve kendisinden sonra isim almaz.
              ▪ It’s still a matter of debate why mosquitos bite some people more than others.
              ▪ Some western economies in the world show indications of decline, whereas others improve dramatically.

        The other
            “The other”, zamir olarak kullanıldığı zaman tekil bir nesnenin ya da kişinin yerini tutar. “Diğeri” anlamını verir.
             Sıfat olarak kullanıldığında ise kendisinden sonra tekil ya da çoğul isim alabilir ve “geriye kalan, diğer” anlamı
              ▪ There are two pillars of love: One is trust, and the other is loyalty.
              ▪ All of the emails sent by the director have been answered, but the other emails are still unanswered.

        The others
            Zamir olarak kullanılır, ardından isim gelmez. “Geriye kalanlar, diğerleri” anlamını verir.
              ▪ Only two of the colleagues opposed overworking on Sunday, yet the others seemed pleased with the decision.

        Each other / One another
            “Each other” ve “one another” “birbirine, birbirlerine” anlamı verir. “Each other”, genellikle iki kişi arasında
             gerçekleşen bir durumu anlatırken “one another” ise daha büyük bir gruptaki bireyler arasında gerçekleşen bir
             durumu ifade eder.
              ▪ After the match finished, the boxers hugged and congratulated each other.
              ▪ This is an activity in which students try to find the person in charge by asking questions to one another.

        Every other

            “İki günde, haftada, ayda, yılda bir” vb. anlamına gelir.
              ▪ Some pills should be taken every other day rather than every day.
        One after another / One after the other
            Bu ifadeler, “sırayla, birbirinin peşi sıra, arka arkaya” anlamını verirler.
              ▪ The newly-released series attracted the attention of the audience so much that most watched its episodes one
                 after another and finished it within a day.

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