Page 20 - 12 YDT
P. 20

Exercises - Pronouns

        C)  Fill in the blanks with the correct “Reflexive Pronouns”.

          1.   Just as young people use fashion, art, music and conversation to express ______________, social media is a

               platform for building their identity and showing the world what they care about.

          2.   Children can educate ______________ about the world and its environment through reading books,
               newspapers, and other magazines.

          3.   After marrying Albert Einstein in 1903, Mileva Maric, a promising scientist in her own right, devoted
               ______________ to raising their children instead.

          4.   Incredibly, the human body is continuously working to cleanse ______________ from toxins that can negatively
               affect different facets of health like our skin, digestion, energy, and more.

          5.   A new study reveals that developing a better awareness of ______________ may also boost your ability to

               understand the thoughts and feelings of others.

        D)  Fill in the blanks with the correct “Indefinite Pronouns”.

          1.   Shopping addiction causes people to feel good after they shop, and over time, shopping becomes a strategy
               to deal with negative feelings, leading them to constantly desire to purchase ______________.

          2.   Never allow ______________ to discourage you, and keep striving to fulfil your mission.

          3.   ______________ is more powerful than people who believe in a set of values as they offer a clear path to their

          4.   The most interesting thing about the theatre is that it makes you feel like you are ______________ else for

               a while.

          5.   Despite the advancements in GPS technology, it is not always possible to go ______________ with navigation
               due to the inadequate signal from the satellites.

          6.   Even though the consequences of global warming are being felt in every region of the world, ______________
               is witnessing changes on such a dramatic scale as the Arctic.

          7.   Technology, more than ______________ else, is what creates the world we live in. It is the source of our
                prosperity, economic well-being, and very identity.

          8.   It is thought that ______________ in the world can now feel the effects of climate change because of extreme

               weather events such as cold blasts, droughts, floods and wildfires.
          9.   Revolutionary web technologies have completely changed our lives, so we use the Internet in almost

               ____________ we do.

          10.  Empathy is the ability to share ______________ else’s feelings and emotions as if they were your own, and it
                is necessary to solve the conflicts in relationships.

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