Page 207 - 12 YDT
P. 207

Exercises - Gerunds & Infinitives

          7. The company’s financial problems are said __________________ (solve) after implementing a series of measures
            aimed at reducing costs and increasing revenue.

          8. It takes a lot of time __________________ (master) playing the piano, but the hard work and dedication pay off in
            the end.

          9. The famous tennis player appears __________________ (gain) support among fans with her remarkable performances
            in recent tournaments.
          10.  A well-known retail chain was reported __________________  (declare) bankrupt last month, resulting in the
              closure of stores and job losses.
          11.  During  medical emergencies, doctors  have the patients __________________  (keep) calm and
              __________________ (follow) instructions to avoid exacerbating the situation.

          12.  According to the most recent survey of employees, the company’s efforts to listen to their concerns and help them
              seem __________________ (make) their jobs better.

          13.  The interview needed __________________ (postpone) because the interviewer had a family emergency and
              could not make it to the meeting.
          14.  Many African tribes are known __________________ (use) traditional healing practices for centuries as a way to
              treat various ailments and diseases.
          15.  The novel is thought __________________ (write) in just three months, which shows how talented and dedicated
              the author was to the craft.

          16.  We were supposed to __________________ (conduct) a meeting today, but unfortunately, it got cancelled at the
              last minute due to unforeseen circumstances.

        E) Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive forms of the verbs in brackets. More than one answer
             is possible.

          1. The Earth’s temperature is continuing ____________ (rise) due to the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases
            in the atmosphere.
          2. You may regret not ____________ (seize) an opportunity when it was presented to you, so it is important to take
            every chance when it arises.
          3. To complete the project on time, the team had to start ____________ (work) on the design phase as soon as the
            requirements were finalised.

          4. Feeling sorry for ____________ (do) something wrong is a natural human reaction, but this alone is not enough to
            make up for the consequences of our mistakes.

          5. The government intends ____________ (reduce) carbon emissions by investing in renewable energy sources and
            promoting energy efficiency measures.
          6. The law strictly forbids ____________ (violate) others’ rights, so we must adhere to it at all times, even if it means
            ____________ (sacrifice) our own comfort.
          7. You should definitely try ____________ (attend) a cooking class; it will be a great way to learn new recipes and

          8. If you want to play a musical instrument skilfully, you should start ____________ (learn) the basics of musical notation
            and practise regularly to build muscle memory.

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