Page 203 - 12 YDT
P. 203


           ▪ Many people say they cannot forget earning their first paycheck as it symbolises the moment when they became
             independent and could start to support themselves.
           ▪ To make sure your presentation goes well, do not forget to think of some questions to ask the audience in advance.
           ▪ When someone stops consuming excessive amounts of food, they often find that their overall health improves.
           ▪ On our way to the mountaintop, we stopped for a few minutes to rest and get our strength back, and then we kept

        2. Gerunds and infinitives after some verbs without a change in meaning

            Bazı fiiller, “gerund” ya da “infinitive” ile kullanıldığında anlam farkı oluşmaz.

        Gerund / Infinitive (Similar meaning)                                                   Video 10.14

                           Verbs Followed by Gerund and Infinitive with a Similar Meaning

                        Athletes attempted running / to run the marathon in under two hours but ultimately fell short
                        of their goal.

                        The chef began preparing / to prepare the meal with local ingredients and was eager to
                        flaunt his culinary talents.

                        Our company will continue expanding / to expand its operations by opening new branches
                        in major cities.

                        English instructors intend helping / to help students master the grammar and mechanics of
                        the English language.

              neglect   If you neglect using / to use your meds as prescribed, your condition will most likely worsen.

                        Scientists working in robotics have started making / to make tremendous progress in the last

            Tabloda verilen fiiller “continuous” bir tense ile kullanılırsa, kendilerinden sonra “to + infinitive” kullanılır.

           ▪ For years, researchers  have been attempting  to  develop vaccines that can provide immunity against various
           ▪ My twin brother and I were intending to leave home early, but we overslept and ended up being late for the exam.
        prefer / would prefer

            “prefer” fiili hem “gerund” hem “to infinitive” ile, “would prefer” ise “to infinitive” ile kullanılır.
           ▪ European teenagers  prefer  hanging  out with their friends to doing things alone, like reading or playing sports
             European teenagers prefer to hang out with their friends than do things alone, like reading or playing sports outside.
             European teenagers would prefer to hang out with their friends rather than do things alone, like reading or playing
             sports outside.

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