Page 201 - 12 YDT
P. 201


        8. Progressive, Passive and Perfect Forms of Infinitives

                   bare infinitive
                                        Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
                       (verb)                                                                   Video 10.12

                    to infinitive       Desert areas at higher elevations sometimes receive
                     (to + verb)        additional rainfall to sustain plant life.

                progressive infinitive  Climate change appears to be causing reduced snowfall,
                                        and thus less total water available for an expanding
                    (to + be V )
                            ing         population.

            passive infinitive          If marine ecosystems continue to be destroyed, the
            (to + be + past participle)  consequences will be catastrophic for the entire planet.

            perfect infinitive          Many threatened species share certain characteristics that
            (to + have + past participle)  seem to have increased their risk of going extinct.

            perfect passive infinitive  The corrections were said to have been made completely to
            (to + have been + past participle) improve the accuracy of the document.

            perfect progressive infinitive  The couple is thought to have been living in the small town
            (to + have been V )         for over a decade, but no one really knows much about them.

            “Infinitive” yapısının “progressive” biçimi: (to) be + Ving

           ▪ The little kids who listened to the story of Little Red Riding Hood seemed to be enjoying it a lot.
             (Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız masalını dinleyen küçük çocuklar çok eğleniyor gibiydiler.)
           ▪ This time next week, we will be moving into our new place.
           ▪ You must be thinking about all the possible risks that come with dropping out of college.
            “Infinitive” yapısının “passive” biçimi: (to) be + past participle

           ▪ Sam expects to be rewarded with a promotion for his hard work and dedication.
             (Sam, sıkı çalışması ve bağlılığının bir terfi ile ödüllendirilmesini bekliyor.)
           ▪ The technical staff should  be given clear instructions on how to use the resources and training to their fullest

            “Infinitive” yapısının “perfect” biçimi: (to) have + past participle
           ▪ The new shopping mall is estimated to have cost millions of dollars to build.
           ▪ The shipment, which includes a variety of items, was supposed to have arrived yesterday.

            “Infinitive” yapısının “perfect passive” biçimi: (to) have been + past participle
           ▪ The company might have been mismanaged, leading to its demise.
           ▪ Families are delighted to have been invited to the graduation ceremony for their children.
           ▪ Citizens who lost their homes in the fire are pleased to have been helped by the government’s prompt assistance.

            “Infinitive” yapısının “perfect progressive” biçimi: (to) have been + Ving

           ▪ The little girl is happy to have been drawing pictures with her brand-new crayons all day.
           ▪ Adele looked tired; she must have been waiting for the bus for a long time.

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