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        C. “It” öznesinden sonra infinitive kullanımı

            Bu cümlelerde özne “it” olarak kullanılır ancak cümlenin gerçek öznesi “to+infinitive” ile başlayan söz öbeğidir.
                                     It + be + adjective + (for somebody) + to infinitive

           ▪ It is crucial to update teaching methods to foster effective learning and prepare students for the ever-evolving
             demands of the modern workforce.
           ▪ It is always hard for me to tell them apart because they take after each other.

                                       It + be + noun + (for somebody) + to infinitive

           ▪ It is time to cut down the number of candies you eat if you want to feel better.
           ▪ It is your responsibility to give out the books so that we can read the article and get ready for the exam.
                                   It + be + adjective + of + noun/pronoun + to infinitive
           ▪ It is impolite of you to behave like this towards older people.
           ▪ It was stingy of him to leave the restaurant without paying the check.

        2. Infinitives as the Object of a Verb

            “Infinitive’’ bir fiilin nesnesi olarak kullanılabilir.                             Video 10.7
                                          Some Verbs Followed by ‘to Infinitive’
                      afford               deserve                 learn                 promise
                      agree                 dread                 manage                  prove
                     arrange                expect                  offer                 refuse
                       ask                    fail                  plan                  seem
                      claim                 happen                prepare                struggle
                     dare (to)              hesitate              pretend                 swear
                     decide                  hope                 proceed                 tend
                     demand                 intend                propose                threaten

           ▪ Local supermarkets promised to reduce their use of plastic bags by fifty per cent in the next year.
           ▪ The candidate struggled to convince the committee that she had the necessary qualifications to run the project.
            Bazı fiiller hem kendilerinden sonra hem de bir “object pronoun” dan sonra “infinitive” alabilirler. Ancak iki kullanım
             arasında anlam farkı vardır.
                                             Verb + Object + to Infinitive
                    advise                 enable                 invite                require
                     allow               encourage                order                  teach
                      ask                  expect                 permit                  tell
                     beg                   forbid                persuade                tempt
                     cause                  force                 prefer                 urge
                   command                  get                   remind                 want
                   convince                 help                 request                 warn

           ▪ I was not expecting to arrive on time for the interview since there was heavy traffic on the main street.
             (Ana cadde üzerinde yoğun trafik olduğu için görüşmeye zamanında varmayı beklemiyordum.)
           ▪ I was not expecting him to arrive on time for the interview since there was heavy traffic on the main street.
             (Ana cadde üzerinde yoğun trafik olduğu için görüşmeye zamanında varmasını beklemiyordum.)
           ▪ I want to see a psychiatrist, as my insomnia and anxiety have become unbearable these days.
           ▪ I want Jane to see a psychiatrist, as her insomnia and anxiety have become unbearable these days.

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