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P. 200


        7. Bare Infinitives as the Object of a Verb

        “Bare infinitive”, “to” eki almadan kullanılan fiil demektir. Fiilin yalın halidir. Kullanım alanlarını inceleyelim:
                                                                                                Video 10.11
            Çoğu “modal” yapısından sonra (after many modal verbs)

           ▪ Regardless of your educational background, you can learn various skills thanks to the many opportunities offered
             by the Internet.
           ▪ For fear of failure, some people do not take risks and miss out on opportunities that could lead them to success.
           ▪ Engineers and planners must take many things into account when building any type of energy facility.

            Bazı “modal-like” ifadelerden sonra (after some modal-like expressions)

           ▪ The meeting is supposed to provide participants a new insight into the topic.
           ▪ The majority of American workers have to commute dozens of miles to go to their offices.

            Öneride bulunduğumuz “why” dan sonra (after “why” for offers)

           ▪ Why don’t you take a break and go for a walk? A change of scenery could help you relax and clear your head.

            Make / have somebody do something (after some causative structures)
           ▪ The meeting made me miss the bus because it ran much longer than expected.

           ▪ I had my students analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the piece and explain their opinion.
            “make” fiili “passive” bir yapı olarak kullanılırsa kendisinden sonra “to + infinitive” kullanılır.

           ▪ Celiné was made to feel special and appreciated for her hard work.

            “see, hear, watch, feel, notice” gibi duyu fiillerinden sonra

           ▪ I watched people run in the pouring rain while drinking my morning coffee at home.
           ▪ I heard my parents talk about the preparations for next week’s housewarming party.

            Bu fiiller “passive” bir yapıda kullanılırsa kendisinden sonra “to + infinitive” gelir.

           ▪ The managers of the club were heard to discuss plans for the upcoming season.

            and / but / or (bağlaçlardan sonra)
           ▪ If you choose to walk or ride your bike instead of taking a car everywhere, you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

            “let” ile

           ▪ The teacher let the students work in groups to complete their assignments.
           ▪ The basketball coach didn’t let the players take any unnecessary risks on the court in yesterday’s match.

            “let” ifadesinin “passive” kullanımı “be allowed to” şeklindedir.

           ▪ Neither students nor professional athletes are allowed to use performance-enhancing hormones during competition.

            “help” den sonra (hem yalın hem de “to + infinitive” olarak)

           ▪ Sharks help create / to create a healthy ocean ecosystem by regulating the populations of other marine animals.
           ▪ The  manager  helped  employees understand / to understand how to use the new software program by providing
             training sessions.

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