Page 200 - Grammar For YDT - 12
P. 200
1. Gerunds and Infinitives After Some Verbs with A Change in Meaning
Bazı fiiller, “gerund” ya da “infinitive” ile kullanıldığında anlam farkı oluşturur. Video 10.13
Verbs Followed by Gerund or Infinitive with a Change in Meaning
Verbs Gerund To Infinitive
Genel bir korku Belli bir durumda yaşanan korku
be afraid There is no need to be afraid of making mistakes; it is Many people were afraid to speak up during the
a natural part of the learning process. early days of the civil rights movement for fear of
Birşey yapmaktan dolayı üzüntü duymak / özür Gerçekleşmiş bir durumu duymaktan ya da
dilemek söylemekten üzüntü duymak
be sorry
Students were sorry for misbehaving during lunchtime We, the board members, are sorry to say that your
and therefore apologised to their teacher. application has been turned down.
Gerçekleşmiş bir olayı unutmak Yapılması gereken bir işi unutmak
forget Children never forget having a loving and supportive One should never forget to appreciate what they
parent, so raising kids with kindness is essential. have in life, no matter how insignificant it may seem.
Bir işi yapmaya devam etmek Başka bir işi yapmaya başlamak
go on The panellists will go on to discuss the changing
We cannot go on exploiting nature forever; it will
nature of media in the 21 century after they take
eventually lead to our own destruction.
a break.
Anlamına gelmek Niyetinde olmak
mean Having a liver disease like hepatitis means taking Even if someone does not mean to offend you,
extra care to protect one’s health. their words may hurt your feelings.
Önermek Niyetinde olmak
propose The kids proposed going on a road trip for spring What does the CEO of the infamous tech giant
break, but their father was not too keen on the idea. propose to do to make the company more attractive
to investors?
Pişman olmak Birşeyden dolayı üzgün olmak
regret We must never regret making a bold move, even if it We regret to inform you that your proposal did not
does not turn out as expected. meet the criteria required to be accepted.
Gerçekleşmiş bir olayı hatırlamak Yapılması gereken bir işi hatırlamak
remember Those born in the 1980s remember spending Students need to remember to keep track of
countless hours with their families playing board their deadlines, or else they may miss important
games. assignments.
Yapmakta olduğumuz işe başka bir işi yapmak için
Bir işi tamamen ya da bir süreliğine bırakmak
ara vermek
It is time you stopped eating junk food since it is bad While driving across the US, we stopped to visit our
for your health. old friends in Utah.
İşe yarayıp yaramayacağını görmek için denemek;
Bir şey yapmaya çalışmak, çabalamak
birine tavsiye verirken de kullanılır
To get rid of a persistent cough, you should try drinking Many governments try to save the environment by
herbal teas and warm water. introducing green policies to reduce pollution.