Page 199 - 12 YDT
P. 199


        5. The Use of Infinitives in Reduced Relative Clauses

            Bu “relative clause” lar şunları içerebilir:

                                 • Sıra sayılar (Ordinal numbers)
                                 • The only

                                 • En üstünlük derecesindeki sıfatlar (The superlative form)
                                 • Modal Verbs

           ▪ The tallest building which has been built so far is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
             The tallest building to have been built so far is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
           ▪ Tardigrades are the only animals which survive in space’s extreme conditions.
             Tardigrades are the only animals to survive in space’s extreme conditions.
           ▪ Aziz Sancar is the first Turkish scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his studies on DNA repair.
             Aziz Sancar is the first Turkish scientist to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his studies on DNA repair.
           ▪ Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, is a place which can be inhabited by citizens of any country
             without a residence permit.
             Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, is a place to be inhabited by citizens of any country without
             a residence permit.

        6. Infinitives of Purpose
            Amaç bildirmek için “in order to” ya da “so as to” yerine “to infinitive” kullanılabilir.
           ▪ After major surgeries, doctors might prescribe strong painkillers to ease their patients’ pain.  Video 10.10
           ▪ UNICEF will organise special events, activities, and campaigns to raise awareness about children’s rights during Child
             Protection Week.
            Amaç ifade etmek için “for + gerund” yapısı da kullanılabilir ama daha çok bir aracın kullanım amacını açıklamak
             için tercih edilir.
           ▪ Baby slings are soft fabric carriers that are designed for carrying your baby on your chest.
           ▪ A lightning conductor is a strip of metal that is used for protecting a building from the damage of lightning strikes.
        “too” / “enough” + “to do something”
            “too” aşırılık, “enough” ise yeterlilik bildirir. Bu yapılardan sonra “to” getirilebilir.

                                  too + adjective / adverb + (for somebody) + to infinitive
           ▪ These rocks are too steep to climb even for professional and well-experienced climbers.
           ▪ I have been diagnosed with high cholesterol recently, so these meatballs are too fatty (for me) to eat.

                                adjective / adverb + enough + (for somebody) + to infinitive
           ▪ Venus is considered to have an extremely hostile environment, with a surface temperature hot enough to melt lead.
           ▪ Spider silk is strong enough to withstand powerful forces without breaking.
           ▪ Since orchids are tropical plants, they need environments that are humid enough (for them) to survive.

                                      enough + noun + (for somebody) + to infinitive
           ▪ There must be enough equipment for the climbers to use during the summit climbing.
           ▪ Wetland plants are incredibly productive and provide enough food to support a wide range of organisms.
        “It takes + time / money / effort” yapısıyla infinitive kullanımı
            Bu yapılar yapılan işin ne kadar vakit, çaba aldığını veya para gerektirdiğini söylemek için kullanılır.
           ▪ It took two days to complete the presentation, but all of our hard work was worth it.
           ▪ It took 16 years to construct the Taj Mahal, which was made entirely of pure white marble from the quarries of Makrana.

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