Page 110 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 110

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

           73.  Arılar,  kovanlarını  oluşturdukları  doğal  koşulları   74.  Böcekleri, nesneleri saymak ve gruplara ayırmak
               taklit etmek için Chittka laboratuvarında yapay ve   gibi  zor  görevleri  tamamlamalarının  öğretildiği
               karanlık yuvalarda tutulur.                     küçük alanlara aktarmak için uzun bir tüp kullanılır.

               A)  Bees are kept in both artificial and dark nests   A)  A long tube can be used to transfer the insects into
                  at the Chittka laboratory to mimic the natural   small arenas where they are taught to complete
                  conditions in which they form their hives.      challenging tasks like counting and sorting things
               B)  Bees are kept in artificial and dark nests at the   into groups.
                  Chittka laboratory to mimic the natural conditions   B)  Unless a long tube is used to transfer the insects
                  in which they form their hives.                 into small arenas, they cannot be taught to
               C)  Bees should be kept in artificial and dark nests at   complete complex tasks like counting and sorting
                  the Chittka laboratory, or they cannot form their   things into groups.
                  hives like they do in natural conditions.    C)  A long tube is used to transfer the insects into
               D)  Bees are kept in artificial and dark nests at the   small arenas where they are taught to complete
                  Chittka laboratory to mimic the natural conditions   difficult tasks like counting and sorting things into
                  so that they form their hives.                  groups.
               E)  If bees are not kept in artificial and dark nests just   D)  A long tube is used just to transfer the insects into
                  like their own natural conditions at the Chittka   small arenas where they are taught to complete
                  laboratory, they cannot form their hives.       simple tasks like counting and sorting things into
                                                               E)  Only when a long tube is used to transfer the
                                                                  insects into small arenas, can they be taught to
                                                                  complete  hard  tasks  like  counting  and sorting
                                                                  things into groups.

           12. SINIF                                   110                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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