Page 111 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 111

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

           75.  Atomlar,  nötronlar  ve  protonlar  olarak  bilinen
                                                            76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
               daha küçük parçacıklardan oluşur ve bu atom altı
                                                            parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
               parçacıkların her biri üç kuarktan oluşur.
                                                           76.  (I)  The Royal Automobile Club monitored that the
               A)  Atoms are made up of much smaller particles
                                                               exhausts of 60,000 automobiles and discovered
                  known as neutrons and protons, and neither of
                                                               that 13 per cent of them were responsible for
                  these subatomic particles is composed of three
                                                               more than half of the pollution.  (II) Older vehicles
                                                               were the greatest offenders; nevertheless, many
               B)  Atoms comprise smaller particles known as
                                                               relatively recent vehicles were also found to be
                  neutrons and protons, and each of these
                                                               serious polluters due to poor tuning. (III) To remove
                  subatomic particles is composed of at least three
                                                               these offensive polluters from the streets, London
                                                               has devised a plan. (IV) Governments and people
               C)  Since atoms are made up of even smaller     worldwide  are  getting  increasingly  concerned
                  particles known as neutrons and protons, either   about air pollution caused by automobiles and are
                  of these subatomic particles is composed of three   searching for a solution. (V) The goal is to get the
                                                               dirtiest, most rusted-out cars off the road in order to
               D)  Atoms are made up of even smaller particles   reduce the pollution levels.
                  known as neutrons and protons, and each of
                  these subatomic particles is composed of three   A) I  B) II  C) III  D) IV  E) V
               E)  Smaller particles known as neutrons and protons
                  come together in order to form an atom after they
                  are composed of three quarks.

                                                           77.  (I)  Biological  anthropology is  the study of human
                                                               bodies and how they change over time.  (II) It
                                                               investigates how humans live in nature and how their
                                                               bodies change as a result of their surroundings.(III) It
                                                               also studies the similarities and differences between
                                                               humans and animals. (IV) Biological anthropologists
                                                               sometimes study human and animal bones to learn
                                                               about how previous humans and animals lived.
                                                               (V) Anthropology employs a ‘four-field approach’,
                                                               which divides it into four broad categories.

                                                               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

           12. SINIF                                   111                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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