Page 116 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 116
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 5. DENEME
7. Fish and dolphins living in highly muddy water ---- 10. Political institutions can support or obstruct
because, though there is light, it ---- by the dirt in the shift ---- clean energy ---- examining nations’
the water. responses to the energy crisis.
A) cannot see / is obstructed A) towards / without
B) must not see / was obstructed B) across / on
C) could not see / will be obstructed C) with / onto
D) may not see / has been obstructed D) to / by
E) should not see / had been obstructed E) in / about
8. ---- in order to connect two sides in 1974, the 11. ---- Asian art is often characterised by its delicate
Golden Horn Bridge was the first construction colours and brushstrokes, European art typically
---- as an impressive structure by the residents of features a bolder, more expressive style.
A) Inasmuch as
A) To be built / being regarded B) Whereas
B) Having been built / to be regarded C) By the time
C) Being built / to be regarding D) As long as
D) To have been built / regarded E) Provided that
E) To build / regarding
9. According to recent research, women ---- South 12. Electric cars are becoming more popular ---- they
Korea will be the first in the world to have a life produce zero emissions and have a much lower
expectancy ---- 91 years. environmental impact than gasoline-powered
A) at / to
B) for / with A) since
C) across / on B) even if
D) in / of C) while
E) by / over D) though
E) until
12. SINIF 116 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.