Page 119 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 119

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 5. DENEME

           25.  Once readily available in vast amounts in a variety   27.  While evidence indicates they are more than just
               of different environments, including urban and   reflexive animals, ----.
               rural settings, ----.
                                                               A)  invertebrates have long been thought to lack the
               A)  public transportation is becoming obsolete due to   ability to feel pain, joy, or fear
                  a considerable increase in private cars      B)  emotions prepare organisms for action, usually a
               B)  newspapers are not as popular as in the past,   necessary adaptive activity
                  owing to the Internet                        C)  scientists argue that insects, fish, and crabs rely
               C)  more and more people tend to change their      purely on instinct to escape injury
                  unfavourable spending patterns in a positive way  D)  it is impossible to measure feelings because they
               D)  the number of wild animals is soaring because   are unique to each person
                  people migrate from villages excessively     E)  some  evidence implies microscopic creatures
               E)  shopping malls are an important source of income   can sense pain, happiness, and pessimism
                  for entrepreneurs chasing opportunities

           26.  Because we cannot just rip up the globe and see   28.  ---- since their vocalisations get distorted as they
               what is inside, ----.                           dive deeper.

               A)  energy is released, which causes seismic waves   A)  Experts liken dolphins’ having a characteristic
                  during the movement of faults on a planet       whistle to a human name
               B)  we have to rely on secondary evidence like the   B)  A pattern of  sound frequencies  is invented to
                  waves generated by geologic events              identify themselves for life
               C)  seismometers are used by scientists to monitor   C)  Dolphins cannot be identified only by their sounds
                  the movement of the earth’s crust               like many other species
               D)  seismic data from NASA’s  InSight lander has   D)  Recognising a familiar face by the taste of their
                  shown that Mars is still geologically active    urine is possible for dolphins
               E)  earthquakes generate four types of waves:   E)  Male dolphins may modify their whistle to mimic
                  P-waves, S-waves, Love waves, and Rayleigh      their closest friend’s whistle

           12. SINIF                                   119                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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