Page 123 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 123

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 5. DENEME

                                                           39.  According to the research carried out by the
            38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.  scientists, ----.

             A newly published and in-depth research of ectothermic   A)  the results are highly promising since the scientist
             tetrapods—reptiles and amphibians—provides new       acquired data from various species
             insight into why cold-blooded creatures tend to have such   B)  all vertebrates are able to delay their inevitable
             disproportionately extended lifespans in relation to their   demise for more than a hundred years
             size. It is the most thorough research of longevity and   C)  some of the ectotherms could not live that long if
             ageing ever published, with 114 experts examining 107   it were not for their poisonous bites
             wild populations of 77 species. Scientists compiled data
                                                               D)  there is a link between physical or chemical traits
             regarding animals’ mode of temperature regulation, their
                                                                  that protect species and slower ageing
             distinctive traits, the pace of life, and the temperature of
                                                               E)  the correlation between physical characteristics
             their habitat for decades and analysed all those data.
                                                                  and life span is not particularly strong
             Of  the 30 known vertebrate species that can live above
             the age of 100, 26 are ectotherms. Therefore, scientists
             are curious as to how these animals are able to delay
             their inevitable demise for so long. The study revealed
             various findings, including a correlation between
             protective physical or chemical characteristics, such as
             hard armour, spines, shells, or a  poisonous bite, and
             slower ageing. Those defensive physical characteristics
             were also associated with longer lifespans. These are
             technically referred to as ‘protective phenotypes’ in the
             scientific community and can make all the difference.

           38.  One  can understand from  the  passage  that   40.  Which of the following could be the best title for
               ectotherms ----.                                the passage?

               A)  live longer than others thanks to their protective   A)  Ectotherms vs Endotherms
                  physical or chemical traits
                                                               B)  The Secret of Longevity
               B)  are significantly more prevalent at higher latitudes
                                                               C)  How to Have Longer Lifespans
                  than they are at lower latitudes
                                                               D)  Why Vertebrates Live Longer
               C)  must use energy in order to keep their body
                                                               E)  Longevity in Ectotherms
                  temperature constant
               D)  have a much narrower range of body temperatures
                  than do endotherms
               E)  must often use external sources of heat to
                  maintain their body temperature

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