Page 127 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 127

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 5. DENEME

           48.  Gary:
                                                            49. - 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
              – ----                                        cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                           49.  A comprehensive approach to farming, organic
                                                               agriculture aims to provide high-quality food and
              – I’m afraid you are exaggerating.               protect the land for future generations.

               Gary:                                           A)  Organic  agriculture  is  a  perfect  method of
                                                                  farming that tries to prevent high-quality food
              – No, I am not. I took private lessons for a month
                                                                  while damaging the environment before future
                and experienced how difficult it is.
               Jim:                                            B)  Organic agriculture is a holistic method of farming
                                                                  that  aims  to  produce  high-quality food  while
              – I’m sure you did, but still, it doesn’t qualify you
                                                                  preserving the environment for future generations.
                as an expert to talk about it. A month is too
                                                               C)  A controversial approach to farming, organic
                short to learn something properly.
                                                                  agriculture aims to decrease the land quality and
                                                                  improve food for future generations.
               A)  Nobody can play the violin as well as I do.
                                                               D)  A traditional approach to foresty, organic
               B)  I’m the best soccer player in the classroom.   materials increase land quality and improve the
               C)  English is so easy that one can learn it quickly.  health levels of future generations.
               D)  Anyone can be good at playing golf in a short   E)  A thorough method of organic farming, dry
                  time.                                           farming aims to protect food and fertilise the land
                                                                  for future generations.
               E)  It’s impossible for someone to master skiing.

                                                           50.  Even though absence rates have fallen a little,
                                                               neither a particular approach nor a group of
                                                               strategies has made a particularly significant
                                                               difference to them.

                                                               A)  In spite of the slight decrease in absence rates,
                                                                  no single method or set of tactics has made a
                                                                  major difference to them.
                                                               B)  While absence rates have decreased slowly, they
                                                                  have not resulted from any single strategy or a
                                                                  combination of strategies.
                                                               C)  The minor decrease in absence rates cannot be
                                                                  linked to only one or a set of strategies that may
                                                                  have an effect on them.
                                                               D)  Only one technique or a set of tactics is not
                                                                  responsible for the significant decrease in rates of
                                                               E)  Neither a single strategy nor a combination of
                                                                  strategies has resulted in some of the absence
                                                                  rates decreasing significantly.

           12. SINIF                                   127                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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