Page 131 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 131

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 5. DENEME

                                                           60.  ---- However, more and more kinds of animals,
            59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam
            bütünlüğünü  sağlamak  için  getirilebilecek  cümleyi   birds, fish, and  insects were  discovered and
            bulunuz.                                           brought back from the South Seas, Africa, and
                                                               India over time. And people began to produce
           59.  The degree to which a person considers
                                                               numerous books, inventions, and scientific
               something humorous relies on a variety of factors,
                                                               discoveries about them. Nearly 600 animal species
               including context, geography, culture, age, level of
                                                               were accounted for by science in 1740. One
               education, and IQ. ---- For instance, small children
                                                               hundred years later, there were  2,400,  including
               could prefer slapstick because of its accessibility,
                                                               several animals that are known by most people
               as in some cartoons or puppet shows. Contrarily,
                                                               today, such as the ostrich, rhino, orangutan, and
               more  complex kinds of  humour, like satire,
               necessitate an awareness of their social context
               in addition to the meaning and, as a result, tend to   A)  Before the first zoos were built, common men
               appeal to a more mature audience.                  and women had very little opportunity to witness
                                                                  exotic creatures up close.
               A)  Accordingly, it is widely accepted that humour
                                                               B)  Even if they survived the journey, exotic animals
                  increases both physical and psychological
                                                                  brought back to Europe at this time usually
                                                                  perished shortly after arrival.
               B)  That is, the contradiction between a statement’s
                                                               C)  For most people in the 18  century, animals
                  declared and intended meaning is known as
                                                                  meant  farm animals,  carriage  horses,  and food
                                                                  for the table.
               C)  Puns, which depend on specific words, are
                                                               D)  For an accurate depiction of a giraffe, Europeans
                  extremely difficult to translate from one language
                                                                  had to wait until 1827 and the arrival of the first
                  to another.
                                                                  living specimen.
               D)  It is implied by phrases like ‘Have fun!’ and ‘That
                                                               E)  Once animals are loved for their innocence or
                  was fun!’ that fun is enjoyable, unique, and, to
                                                                  good nature, it will be easier to share the world
                  some extent, unpredictable.
                                                                  with them.
               E)  However, in the end, one’s sense of humour is
                  the most important factor in determining how
                  entertaining a piece of work is.

           12. SINIF                                   131                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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