Page 129 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 129
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 5. DENEME
53. Strength training focuses on the muscles by
54. - 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
forcing them to contract against an external
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
resistance, such as weights, in order to improve
strength and mobility. 54. You and a few close friends have celebrated your
college graduation with a fancy meal. Before
A) Strength training is a kind of exercise that aims making the reservation, you and your companions
to increase muscular strength and power by had doubts about the restaurant, but you have
challenging the muscle to flex against a load ended up enjoying the food and service. As a
resistance, such as weight. gesture of your gratitude, you call the waiter and
B) If you do not want to improve the strength and say: ----
mobility of your muscles, do not force them to
A) The meals contained excessive amounts of salt,
contract through strength training.
which is unacceptable for a high-end restaurant.
C) Whether or not the muscles are forced to contract
Getting rid of the current chef is necessary.
against an external resistance such as weights,
B) You removed all the question marks in our minds
you may find a way to improve strength and
with your delicious food and excellent service. We
are glad to be here.
D) In order to concentrate on the muscles via an
C) Though the check was a little more than we had
external resistance, such as weights, you must
anticipated, we enjoyed our lunch very much.
focus on compelling them to contract for mobility
and strength training. D) Some of the comments we read online before
coming here proved to be accurate. Food
E) Unless you do strength training, you can improve
preparation times were really inconvenient.
the strength and mobility of the muscles,
stimulating them to tighten against an external E) Though we appreciated the staff’s kind attitudes,
resistance like weights. I was disappointed with the quality of the fish.
55. You have been abroad for a long time, and after
five years, you finally get back to your country by
plane. You have just landed, and you have been
longing for your family. All you want is to see and
hug them immediately. When you meet them and
start to talk, your phone rings. Your best friend is
calling and wants to chat with you. You know he is
very talkative. You do not want to be rude, but you
also do not want to lose the spirit of the moment.
So you say: ----
A) I can’t explain how I already missed you.
B) Can you give me a minute so that I can take my
C) It’s very nice to see you all. I missed you so much.
D) I’ve just arrived safe and sound. Can I call you
back later?
E) Now, I’m in the middle of something very
important. Call me later.
12. SINIF 129 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.