Page 132 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 132
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 5. DENEME
61. It is simple to find evidence of early numeration 62. ---- They may be temporarily blinded by glaring
and arithmetic. Tasmanian natives could only lights, increasing the likelihood of a collision.
count in additions of one, two, and many, whereas Some towns and governments forbid the use of
South African natives could count in multiples of rays that impair nighttime vision to help prevent
one, two, two and one, two twos, two twos and such incidents. For instance, the use of any
one, and so on. ---- In the one, two, and many light along a highway so positioned as to blind
systems, the term ‘many’ can, for instance, or dazzle the vision of travellers on the adjacent
indicate, “Look at my hands and see how many highway is prohibited by the new law in Texas.
fingers I’m showing you.”
A) Both people and wildlife can be endangered by
A) It is not particularly surprising that certain societies poorly placed lighting.
are unable to manage significant populations. B) There are some solutions to the issue of light
B) Real numbers were not much of a concern for pollution besides legislation.
our predecessors; instead, they would have been C) Drivers’ safety can be in danger due to lights that
more of the type. line the roads.
C) Nevertheless, the most fundamental step in D) Light pollution has become a problem throughout
developing a sense of numbers is not the ability the world lately.
to count.
E) A careful driver has to control the lights of the car
D) A number of currently spoken languages still regularly.
contain remnants of the earliest phases in the
formation of enumeration.
E) However, in actual circumstances, gestures are
frequently used in addition to numbers and words
to clarify ambiguity.
12. SINIF 132 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.