Page 137 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 137

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 5. DENEME

           71.  Henüz  çok  yeni  bir  araştırma  alanı  olan   72.  Son  birkaç  on  yılda  hastalığa  neden  olan  çok
               gen  tedavisiyle,  hatalı  genlerin  işlevlerinin   sayıda  genetik  mutasyon  tespit  edilmiştir
               düzenlenmesi  ya  da  bunların  sağlıklı  olanlarla   ve  doktorlar  şimdi  belirli  hastalık  türlerinin
               değiştirilmesi planlanmaktadır.                 başlangıcını  durdurmanın  veya  en  azından
                                                               geciktirmenin yollarını bulmak için yarışmaktadır.
               A)  Being the newest research area in scientific
                  circles, gene therapy enables people to rearrange   A)  Numerous disease-causing genetic mutations
                  the functions of the genes and interchange them   have been identified over the past few years, and
                  with perfect ones.                              physicians are now trying to find ways to stop or at
               B)  Scientists are planning to redesign the functions   least delay the onset of certain types of diseases.
                  of damaged genes and replace them with healthy   B)  Over the past few decades, many disease-causing
                  ones thanks to gene therapy, which is a new     genetic mutations have been identified, so
                  research field.                                 scientists are busy finding ways to stop or at least
               C)  With gene therapy, which is still a very new   delay the onset of certain types of diseases.
                  research field, it is planned to regulate the   C)  Scientists are racing against the clock to stop or at
                  functions of faulty genes or replace them with   least delay the onset of certain types of diseases,
                  healthy ones.                                   for numerous disease-causing genetic mutations
               D)  Gene  therapy, which is  planning  to fix  genetic   have been identified over the past few decades.
                  function problems and switch them with healthy   D)  Disease-causing genetic mutations have been
                  ones, is a brand new research area for people.  identified  over  the  past  few  decades,  causing
               E)  With the help of gene therapy, it will be planned to   scientists to race to find ways to stop or at least
                  organise the functions of faulty genes and change   delay the onset of certain types of diseases.
                  them with unfaulty ones despite being a novel   E)  Numerous disease-causing genetic mutations
                  research field.                                 have been identified over the past few decades,
                                                                  and scientists are now racing to find ways to stop
                                                                  or at least delay the onset of certain types of

           12. SINIF                                   137                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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