Page 140 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 140

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 5. DENEME

           78.  (I) People believe that spiders’ dwellings are well   80.  (I) The name ‘ant’ is taken from a German word
               protected from the outside world, but many species   meaning ‘the biter’. (II) Ants are well-known for being
               reside inside.  (II) Some are unwittingly entrapped,   social  insects  that  can  be  discovered  in  practically
               while  others  are  just  temporary  guests,  and  some   every region of the world, with the exception of
               species even appreciate the great indoors, where   Antarctica and a few remote islands. (III) As both
               they merrily live out their lives and reproduce.    scavengers and predators, ants contribute significantly
               (III) There is a species of jumping spider that prefers to   to the health of our ecosystem.  (IV)  These insects,
               consume blood-filled mosquitoes in residential areas.    however, can wreak havoc by destroying crops and
               (IV) Most of these creatures are neither aggressive   invading human habitats. (V) They are also capable of
               nor dangerous; in fact, they are typically socially   biting and/or stinging their victims.
               awkward. (V) And they may provide services such as
               pest control; some spiders even consume others.
                                                               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

           79.  (I) Fertilisers have become a  critical component
               of  agriculture and farming.  (II) These  compounds,
               both synthetic and organic, are applied to the soil
               to improve the number of essential nutrients that
               promote plant growth. (III) With the rapid growth of the
               world population, the need for food has also increased
               dramatically. (IV) Statistics indicate that between 40
               and 60 per cent of agricultural products are grown
               using various forms of fertilisers.  (V)  More than 50
               per cent of the population consumes crops developed
               with the aid of synthetic fertilisers.

               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

                                                                                             TEST BİTTİ.
           12. SINIF                                   140
                                                                           CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDİNİZ.
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