Page 138 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 138
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 5. DENEME
73. Takviyeler, beslenme yetersizliği olan kişilere 74. Teknolojik gelişmelerle birlikte insanların daha
veya ek folik asit ihtiyacı olan hamile kadınlara fazla seyahat etmeye başlamasından bu yana,
yardımcı olabilir, ancak çoğu doktor ortalama bir hava kirliliğindeki ciddi artışta teknolojinin
kişi için bunların etkinliği konusunda temkinlidir. doğrudan bir rolü olduğu kabul edilmektedir.
A) Supplements can be useful for people with A) Technology has been considered to have a
nutritional deficiencies or pregnant women who direct role in the rise in air pollution because
need additional folic acid, but many doctors are people began to travel more with technological
worried about their effectiveness for the average improvements.
person. B) As with technological advancements, people
B) Supplements can help people with nutritional began to travel more, and technology has been
deficiencies or pregnant women who need regarded as having an impact on the dramatic
additional folic acid, but many doctors are wary of growth of air pollution.
their effectiveness for the average person. C) Since people began to travel more with
C) Many doctors may be wary of their effectiveness technological advancements, technology has
for the average person, but supplements can help been acknowledged to have a direct role in the
people with nutritional deficiencies or pregnant severe increase in air pollution.
women who need additional folic acid. D) Technology has been regarded as having a
D) Supplements can help not only people with possible impact on the enormous increase in
nutritional deficiencies but also pregnant women air pollution since technological improvements
who need additional folic acid, but many doctors enabled more people to travel.
are wary of their effectiveness for the average E) Since technological advancements have made it
person. easier for people to travel more, they have been
E) People with nutritional deficiencies or pregnant acknowledged to have a direct involvement in the
women who need additional folic acid can benefit dramatic rise in air pollution.
from supplements, but many doctors are wary of
their effectiveness for the average person.
12. SINIF 138 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.