Page 112 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 112

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

           78.  (I) According to data taken from the Endangered   80.  (I) According to aviation rules, numeric letters
               Languages  Project,  a  global  project  to help   differentiate between the several forms of controlled
               language preservation and documentation, 2,450   airspace. (II) Controlled airspace below 5,490 metres
               global languages are on the edge of disappearing.   above sea level and not near an airport is Class E,
               (II)  In  addition,  more  than  30  per  cent  of  the  700   while uncontrolled airspace is called Class F.
               languages known to have been lost in human history   (III) Class A airspace is defined as all space above
               have become extinct in the previous 60 years.    5,490 metres where high-technology jets can travel.
               (III)  According to a 2014 study, globalisation has   (IV) The distinctions between these groups are
               reduced the number of languages. (IV) As people   based on the kinds of planes that fly through them.
               learn a second language to gain access to global   (V) Private jets which enter special airspace without
               jobs and other benefits, the next generation will   authorisation may risk air traffic control.
               typically be less able to communicate in their
               native tongue. (V) Small linguistic communities can   A) I  B) II  C) III  D) IV  E) V
               preserve their languages, but it takes commitment
               and devotion.

               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

           79.  (I) Australian deer are not native to the country.
               (II) During the nineteenth century, they were brought
               into the country as part of the acclimatisation
               programmes  controlling  the  importation  of
               foreign  animals  and  birds  into  Australia.
               (III) Throughout history, numerous exotic creatures
               have chosen Australia as their permanent home.
               (IV) Deer from six different species were released
               in diverse areas.  (V) The animals spread out and
               created wild populations in various parts of Australia,
               mainly in the areas where they were let loose into
               the wild.

               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

                                                                                             TEST BİTTİ.
           12. SINIF                                   112
                                                                           CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDİNİZ.
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