Page 62 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 62

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 3. DENEME

                                                           23.  Archaeologists have discovered that ancient
            21.  -  28.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleyi  uygun  şekilde
            tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.                        chickens had a substantially longer life than their
                                                               modern equivalents, ----.
           21.  Obesity,  a  complex  disease  characterised  by
                                                               A)  owing to the huge numbers of predators that tried
               excess body fat, causes metabolic changes, ----.
                                                                  to hunt them
               A)  so, if left untreated, those changes can lead to   B)  due to the fact that they were considered sacred
                  diabetes                                        rather than a source of food
               B)  but obese people also have higher rates of   C)  so the  nutritional value of these  chickens was
                  anxiety and depression                          lower than their descendants
               C)  and diseases, such as type 2 diabetes may   D)  but  pesticides  used  in  farmlands  increased  the
                  emerge despite the adverse metabolic effects    lifespan of modern chickens
               D)  yet it makes the liver, muscle, fat, and other   E)  as if a wide range of options were available for
                  tissues less responsive to insulin              trouble-free eating in nature
               E)  but  it  can  have  severe  effects  on  a  person’s
                  quality of life and lifespan

           22.  The number of agricultural schools has risen,   24.  Most students who want to study the English
               especially in rural areas of many African countries,   language overseas have always prioritised the
               ----.                                           United States and Great Britain, ----.

               A)  but people migrate from cities to villages before   A)  so students will have to learn the language better
                  they get married and have children              than expected
               B)  although the total number is relatively low when   B)  but economic problems will keep affecting Britain
                  compared with the population                    badly
               C)  though all of the nations in the region have   C)  and Australia and New Zealand have the same
                  discovered the value of technology              number of students abroad
               D)  provided  young  people  spend  their  time  in   D)  yet it is too early to tell whether this trend will
                  agricultural lands to increase yield            continue
               E)  despite the fact that emerging countries can send   E)  or Chinese and Russian will be more popular than
                  their residents to work on farms seasonally     English

           12. SINIF                                   62                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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