Page 64 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 64

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 3. DENEME

                                                           30.  According to the passage, the English alphabet
            29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.  ----.

             Native English speakers understand the distinction   A)  is harder to spell than Italian since many letters
             between how words are pronounced  and  how  they     may represent a different sound in the former
             are spelt from a young age. For example, the English   B)  is easy to master when one starts learning it at an
             alphabet has 5  or  6  vowel letters.  These  letters are   early age
             A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. However, there are   C)  has distinct word pronunciations, which doesn’t
             20 different ways to pronounce them. Early English   affect language development
             speakers, nevertheless, are unaware that the distinction
                                                               D)  has fewer vowel letters than Italian and Finnish
             is unique to English among major languages. Since each
                                                               E)  has more consonant letters than vowel letters
             letter of the alphabet corresponds to a single sound,
             languages such as Italian and Finnish are easier to spell.
             Students studying these languages can achieve 90 per
             cent reading accuracy after the first year. However, in
             English, many letters of the alphabet have two or more
             sounds. That is why English learners can hardly catch
             up  with  their  Italian  and  Finnish  counterparts  in  terms
             of reading accuracy, no matter how long they study the

           29.  It is stated in the passage that ----.     31.  One can understand from the passage that ----.

               A)  the sound of the letter Y is never altered in any   A)  students may quickly achieve a 90 per cent
                  sense                                           reading accuracy rate in each language
               B)  native English speakers learn early on that   B)  early English speakers are well aware that only
                  spelling and pronunciation have variations      English has multiple pronunciations
               C)  the Finnish alphabet has more consonants than   C)  students may achieve a 90 per cent reading rate
                  the Italian alphabet                            in the first year in English
               D)  English is more commonly spoken by the majority   D)  non-English pupils read relatively poorly because
                  of people all across the world                  of pronunciation variations
               E)  Italian and Finnish are easier to spell since almost   E)  the reading accuracy of English students may be
                  each letter represents a single sound           lower despite the lengthy study

           12. SINIF                                   64                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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