Page 63 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 63
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 3. DENEME
25. ----, external influences such as social interaction 27. ---- before adolescence was recognised as a
and the culture in which we live also play an distinct developmental stage.
essential role.
A) Most young people did not struggle to establish a
A) While people from lower socio-economic clear sense of self
backgrounds may not have access to health care, B) The elder had to be respected and supplied with
proper nutrition, and education the facilities they needed
B) Because the culture in which a kid grows up C) Teenagers had better be aware of bad habits and
imparts a set of values, practices, common their possible results
assumptions, and ways of life
D) Teachers demanded the students act with certain
C) If child psychology covers a wide variety of principles of their age
themes, from genetic impacts on behaviour to
E) Parents were not equally responsible for
social norms
preparing the future of their children
D) Although most people focus on the internal
variables that impact a child’s development, like
genetics and personal qualities
E) As parents and professionals who work with
children can be better equipped to assist the
children in their care
26. Since official negotiators and spokespeople of 28. ----, they may require surgery to make their
different parties sat down to negotiate an end to stomachs smaller.
Guatemala’s 50-year-old internal problems, ----.
A) If sumo wrestlers are to win the gold medal at the
A) local communities have been becoming more Olympics
forcible, particularly in big cities B) Since obese people are unable to lose weight by
B) both sides have made considerable progress in other means
lightening protests in the country C) While Eskimos have to struggle with the difficulties
C) immigrants have thought that it is the right time to of the wild
migrate from Colombia D) Until many Americans manage to be happy with
D) the USA has been heavily involved in the issues too much weight
from its beginnings E) Because the young generation has the knowledge
E) developed countries have provided food and of healthy eating
medicine to help relieve a shortage
12. SINIF 63 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.