Page 74 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 74

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 3. DENEME

           56.  You receive a phone call from an unknown   58.  You have accidentally broken a glass, and it
               number while driving home. When you pull over   shattered into a thousand pieces. While cleaning
               and answer the call, you learn that a parcel needs   up the mess, your brother comes over and offers
               to be delivered to you in person. Stating that you   help, but you know that it is best that he not enter
               are just five minutes away, you say: ----       the room until it has been swept up and the pieces
                                                               have been carefully picked up one by one. So you
               A)  Sorry, but it isn’t possible for me to wait any
                                                               say: ----
               B)  Can you please come back later, as I’m in a rush   A)  It’s safer for you to clean it up than for me to touch
                  now?                                            the pieces.
               C)  If you’ll please wait a bit, I’ll be there in an instant.  B)  You might cut yourself if you touch any of the
                                                                  pieces, so let me handle it.
               D)  Would you mind delivering it to the caretaker?
                                                               C)  If you want to help me, go get a broom and sweep
               E)  If you had let me know beforehand, I would be
                                                                  the floor.
                  there now.
                                                               D)  Let’s sweep this mess up, and then you can help
                                                                  me pick up the glass pieces.
                                                               E)  It’s best to leave the pieces to you, Mum, or we
                                                                  might hurt ourselves.

           57.  Playing with her dolls quickly bores your younger
               sister, and she wants to buy another doll now.
               Knowing that buying a new doll will not make her
               happy for very long, you try to convince her to
               change her mind and get something else instead.
               So you say: ----

               A)  I know you wanted this doll, but it’ll be better to
                  save your money for something you really need.
               B)  This toy will make you bored in a short while, and
                  you’ll probably want to buy another one soon.
               C)  If you hadn’t lost your favourite doll yesterday, we
                  wouldn’t be wasting our money on this now.
               D)  We can spend our money on a musical instrument,
                  and I’m sure you’ll enjoy playing it for many years.
               E)  You already have too many dolls that you can
                  play with, so there’s no need to buy another one.

           12. SINIF                                   74                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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