Page 71 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 71
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 3. DENEME
48. Interviewer:
49. - 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
– You say that parents should read to their children cümleyi bulunuz.
from an early age. What is the ideal age to start
49. All living things tend to expect that the same
reading, then?
things will keep happening over and over again.
A) The fact that something happens again and again
– There is no particular time to begin, but I can say
must make people believe that it will happen
that the sooner the better.
B) The tendency to expect the happening of the
– Could you be a little bit more specific?
same things continually is shared by all living
Researcher: things.
– ---- C) Anything that has happened before will sooner
or later repeat itself with the help of all living
A) I mean, children’s comprehension skills don’t creatures.
develop all at once, so the preschool period is the D) People tend to have the wrong belief that
best time to start reading. everything will repeat itself sooner or later.
B) These days, parents are becoming more and E) If something happens continually for a long period
more concerned with their children’s reading of time, people may expect it to happen again.
performances in international exams.
C) If parents read aloud to their babies as early as four
months old, the kids begin to recognise real-world
objects and the value of language.
D) Since young readers can easily become distracted
by their surroundings, it will be more beneficial for
the kids to read engaging books.
E) The literature says that children should be
encouraged to read all kinds of publications in
order to develop a taste for books.
50. If you want to lose weight and lead a healthy
lifestyle, you must develop a set of eating and
activity routines.
A) Your present eating habits will not help you reach
your goal of living a healthy and long life.
B) Provided that you are willing to make changes in
your eating and activity routines, you can easily
lose weight and live happily.
C) Establishing a set of eating and exercise habits
may help you lose weight and live well.
D) You must strictly follow some daily routines of
exercise and eating if you want to lose weight and
live longer.
E) Establishing a set of eating and exercise habits
is a must if your aim is to lose weight and live
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