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P. 72
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51. Wearable devices were once thought to stay 52. But for the ancient Egyptians’ habit of burying
largely in the field of science fiction, but they are the dead with their personal possessions, our
inching closer to becoming an everyday reality. knowledge of them would be very limited today.
A) Once considered mostly a thing of science A) Little would have been known about the ancient
fiction, wearables are getting closer and closer to Egyptians if they had not been so meticulous
becoming commonplace. about burying their dead alongside their
B) Though the times when wearables were just possessions.
science-fiction items are a thing of the past, it B) We would not know that much about the ancient
takes time for them to become a primary part of Egyptians without their practice of burying the
our day-to-day lives. deceased alongside their belongings so that their
C) No matter how much wearables become a part memories could live on.
of everyday life, some seem to remain only in the C) The ancient Egyptians’ practice of putting the
realm of science fiction. deceased in the grave with their personal
D) Wearable technologies were long expected to belongings is not the only thing that makes us
stay mainly in the domain of science fiction, yet knowledgeable about them.
they have taken a big step towards becoming a D) If it had not been for the ancient Egyptians’
part of daily life. practice of putting the dead in the grave alongside
E) Despite the fact that wearables were once thought their belongings, we would not know as much
to be the stuff of science fiction, they have largely about them as we do now.
succeeded in becoming an everyday reality. E) Providing that the ancient Egyptians had buried
their dead with their belongings, what we now
know about them might not be very little.
12. SINIF 72 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.