Page 90 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 90

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

                                                           23.  Blood pressure is one of the essential indicators
            21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
            tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.                        of heart health, ----.

                                                               A)  that is, a hypertensive crisis is high blood pressure
           21.  Most cultures have given value to what they have
                                                                  that can cause a stroke
               seen in the sky, ----.
                                                               B)  so a person’s blood pressure and heart rate are
               A)  whereas historical scholars have focused on    distinct measurements
                  terrestrial events while ignoring celestial bodies
                                                               C)  while one first should measure it before eating or
               B)  even though astrology was closely related to   taking any medications in the morning
                  astronomy, alchemy, meteorology, and medicine
                                                               D)  but it is challenging to measure it frequently and
               C)  for example, fortune tellers were regarded as   accurately outside of a hospital
                  sorcerers and had notoriety among people
                                                               E)  although it is possible to have high blood pressure
               D)  so some of those civilisations used cosmic     and not notice any abnormal symptoms
                  observations for their own benefit
               E)  but locals can make important observations
                  without proper equipment

           22.  ----, researchers are still concerned about its   24.  ----, they pose a threat to human health.
                                                               A)  Since ozone holes increase ultraviolet radiation
               A)  Until biogas is also known as marsh gas, sewage   levels on the Earth’s surface
                  gas, compost gas, and swamp gas              B)  Now that a new ozone hole has been found over
               B)  Although biogas is a cleaner and greener       the planet’s tropical areas
                  alternative to fossil fuels such as natural gas  C)  Because the tropics cover half the planet’s
               C)  Since many power plants generate electricity   surface and are home to half the population
                  from lumber and furniture by-products        D)  Though human-made industrial pollutants have
               D)  Despite the fact that biogas was originally used in   depleted the ozone layer
                  the Middle East around 3,000 BC              E)  While increased ground-level ultraviolet radiation
               E)  Because humankind has relied on biomass as a   can result from ozone layer depletion
                  source of energy since the discovery of fire

           12. SINIF                                   90                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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