Page 89 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 89
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME
13. ---- of the bacteria are either beneficial or harmless,
16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
but quite ---- are pathogenic, meaning they can
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
cause infection and spread disease.
Wealth (16) ---- a poor predictor to assess the happiness
A) Many / some of the majority. People have not become happier
B) Several / all (17) ---- time as their cultures have become more
C) Some / a lot affluent. The percentage of Americans (18) ---- surveyors
D) Lots / enough from the National Opinion Research Center that they
are ‘very happy’ has decreased in the last ten years.
E) Most / a few
(19) ---- Americans earn twice as much in today’s
currency as they did in 1957, the decline has gone from
35 to 29 per cent. According to the most recent study,
only the poorest nations, like Bangladesh and India,
think that income is a reliable indicator of emotional
well-being. In most other countries, the (20) ---- between
income and happiness is low.
14. The natural environment of the North Sea is ----
fragile and weak ---- even the most negligible
degradation in its structure can have irreversible 16. A) may be B) must be
consequences. C) had better be D) has to be
E) would rather be
A) neither / nor
B) whether / or
C) such / that
17. A) with B) over
D) so / that
C) on D) for
E) as / as
E) during
18. A) having been told B) to have told
C) to be telling D) telling
E) to tell
15. Beams of light from a lighthouse, a fast car’s
headlights, and a supersonic aircraft all travel at
19. A) When B) Because
the same pace ---- the differences in the speeds of
their sources. C) Although D) Suppose that
E) So that
A) rather than
B) despite
C) in case of
20. A) duration B) establishment
D) in terms of
C) association D) expenditure
E) as well as
E) consumption
12. SINIF 89 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.