Page 91 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 91
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME
25. While youngsters view social media news as less 27. When one thinks about climate change and
reliable, ----. emissions, ----.
A) adolescents prefer skimming through their social A) the first thing that probably comes to mind is
networks to be informed industries that depend on fossil fuels, and exhaust
B) some social media sources are more popular fumes from cars
than others among teenagers B) it is highly unlikely that agriculture practices are
C) most teenagers are abandoning traditional news connected to the phenomenon of global warming
sources in favour of social media C) climate change affects everything from
D) print, TV, and radio outlets are not preferred geopolitics to economies and migration as well as
sources of news for them life expectancies
E) they value and use these services more for D) mining companies all over the world are working
providing a variety of viewpoints on the day’s to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve
major stories net zero
E) they have a warming impact that is more than
20,000 times bigger than that of CO , and they
are highly powerful
26. Although sleepwalking cases generally involve 28. In spite of the exponential rise in the popularity of
simple, repeated behaviours, ----. electric cars throughout the world in recent years,
A) there are occasional reports of people performing
complex behaviours during sleep A) some companies intend to invest extensively
B) sleepwalkers frequently have little or no memory in gasoline-powered vehicles to satisfy the
of the incident due to their unconscious state enormous demand
C) their eyes are generally open, and their expression B) the adverse effects of traditional cars are generally
is dim and glazed over ignored as these cars have low production costs
D) this may last from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, C) European countries take effective measures to
depending on the person lessen electricity usage in major cities
E) sleepwalking occurs during slow-wave sleep of D) the charging time of electric vehicles depends on
non-rapid eye movement the size of the engine and voltage amplifier
E) in addition to the low pricing, potential consumers
consider the usefulness and negligible cost of
charging environmentally-friendly vehicles
12. SINIF 91 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.