Page 84 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 84

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 3. DENEME

           78.  (I) The festival of La Tomatina took place in the   80.  (I) To generate three times as much power, a marine
               Spanish town  of Buol, a significant producer of   turbine blade needs to be only one-third the size
               tomatoes. (II) Participants were served 130 metric   of a standard wind turbine.  (II) Around 30 metres
               tonnes of freshly picked tomatoes unloaded from   of water are needed for optimum performance
               trucks along the town’s main street. (III) There was   because the blades will  be roughly 20 metres in
               only one rule: squash tomatoes before throwing to   diameter. (III) Environmental concerns are unlikely,
               prevent  injuries.  (IV)  Before  the  hour-long  battle,   in contrast to wind energy, which has the potential
               many people had to wear swimming goggles to     to harm the  environment.  (IV) A single  undersea
               protect their eyes, and eventually, their clothing was   turbine farm would generate far more power than a
               covered in pulp. (V) Francisco Franco outlawed La   small village would require. (V) Moreover, fish and
               Tomatina in the 1950s because he saw no religious   other creatures are not probable to be at risk from
               significance to the holiday, but that did not deter its   the relatively slow-turning blades.
                                                               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V
               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

           79.  (I) About 20 aeroplanes and 50 ships are thought
               to have vanished in the Bermuda Triangle over the
               years. (II) Many explanations have been proposed
               to account for the disappearances, including
               paranormal activities, extraterrestrial life, sea
               monsters, and others.  (III) Sceptical researchers
               have observed that mysteries and paranormal
               occurrences are profitable and popular, which
               promotes massive publication.  (IV) In addition, a
               powerful ocean current passes through the region,
               which can result in erratic storms and enormous
               waves. (V) Another explanation is that a compass
               usually points to magnetic north,  but true north
               —the geographic north pole—is actually up to 1,000
               kilometres away.

               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

                                                                                             TEST BİTTİ.
           12. SINIF                                   84
                                                                           CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDİNİZ.
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89