Page 82 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 82
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 3. DENEME
73. Tropikal yağmur ormanları, Dünya’nın kara 74. Kangurular hiç evcilleştirilmemiş olmalarına
alanının yaklaşık %6’sını oluşturur ve bilinen tüm rağmen, geleneksel olarak köpekler, atlar ve
yaşam formlarının yarısından fazlasını içerir. keçiler gibi evcilleştirilmiş hayvanlara özel
olduğuna inanılan bir özellik olan bakışlarıyla
A) Tropical rainforests comprise some 6% of the iletişim kurabilirler.
Earth’s land area and contain more than half of all
known life forms. A) As long as they are domesticated, kangaroos
B) It is known that more than half of all known life communicate with their look, a characteristic
forms, including the rainforests comprise some that was previously considered to be unique to
6% of the Earth’s land area. domesticated animals such as dogs, horses, and
C) More than half of all known life forms, and some
6% of the Earth’s land area is made up of tropical B) Despite having never been domesticated,
rainforests. kangaroos can communicate with their gaze,
a trait traditionally believed to be exclusive to
D) Some 6% of the Earth’s land area includes
domesticated animals such as dogs, horses, and
tropical rainforests, which contain more than half
of all known life forms.
C) Kangaroos, despite having never been
E) Tropical rainforests comprise some of the Earth’s
domesticated, are likely to communicate with
land area and contain more than 6% of all known
their glance, a skill thought to be limited to
life forms.
domesticated animals like dogs, horses, and
D) Since kangaroos have never been tamed, people
have always thought that only domesticated
animals communicating with their eyes were
dogs, horses, and goats rather than kangaroos.
E) Thanks to the unique skill of communicating with
their gaze, kangaroos can be domesticated like
dogs, horses, and goats even though they have
never been tamed so far.
12. SINIF 82 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.