Page 83 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 83
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 3. DENEME
75. İnsanların rüyalarında zaman algısını analiz etmek
76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
zor olsa da berrak rüya görenleri incelerken umut
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
verici araştırmalar ortaya çıkmıştır.
76. (I) People have always had a long-held dream to
A) Intriguing research has emerged from the study
soar through the air. (II) When people saw birds fly,
of lucid dreamers as a result of the difficulty of
they tried to do so in many different ways. (III) They
analysing time perception in people’s dreams.
made balloons at the end of the 18 century and
B) Although analysing time perception in people’s th
flying machines at the start of the 20 . (IV) Flying
dreams is challenging, promising research has
has made travel much faster, but threats to flying
arisen when examining lucid dreamers.
keep changing. (V) Thanks to these advances in
C) Even though it might be difficult to analyse
aviation, today, it is possible to think about going
how individuals perceive time in their dreams,
around the world in 24 hours, which was never
research on lucid dreamers has shown promise.
possible before.
D) Research on lucid dreamers has produced
some encouraging findings, though it is difficult A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
to decipher how people’s dreams represent the
passage of time.
E) Looking at lucid dreamers has led to some
interesting research, figuring out how people see
time in their dreams.
77. (I) When writers take notes, they write down the
most important parts of the information, which keeps
them from having to remember everything. (II) It is
important to take notes during an interview. (III) It
will help you keep track of how each candidate did
in the interview and let you compare them after the
interview is over. (IV) Make sure to clear your mind
and pay attention to what the candidate says so
that you can write down any good or bad qualities.
(V) You could also use a scorecard to determine
how well the candidate has answered.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
12. SINIF 83 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.