Page 81 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 81

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 3. DENEME

           71.  İlk 6 ay bebeklerin anne sütüyle beslenmesi gerekli   72.  Son  birkaç  yılda  ilaç  endüstrisi,  dünya  çapında
               ve yeterlidir, çünkü anne sütü, gelişim için gerekli   milyarlarca insanın hayatını büyük ölçüde iyileştiren
               olan  tüm  besinleri  içerir  ve  bulaşıcı  hastalıklara   tedaviler sağladı.
               karşı bağışıklık kazandırır.
                                                               A)  The pharmaceutical industry has provided
               A)  It is sufficient for babies to be fed with breast   treatments that have greatly improved the lives of
                  milk for the first six months because breast milk   billions of people worldwide in a few years.
                  contains all the necessary nutrients and provides   B)  The pharmaceutical industry has provided
                  immunity against infectious diseases.           treatments that considerably improve the lives of
               B)  It is necessary and sufficient to give breast milk   billions of people worldwide.
                  to babies because breast milk contains all the   C)  To improve the lives  of billions of  people
                  nutrients necessary for development and supplies   worldwide,  the  pharmaceutical  industry  has
                  them with immunity against infectious diseases.  provided extensive treatments during the past
               C)  It is necessary and efficient for babies to be fed   few years.
                  with breast milk for the first six months because   D)  Over the past few years, the pharmaceutical
                  breast milk contains most of the nutrients      industry has provided treatments that greatly
                  necessary for development and protects against   improve the lives of billions of people worldwide.
                  infectious diseases.
                                                               E)  The pharmaceutical industry has greatly improved
               D)  It is essential and sufficient for babies to be   the lives of billions of people provided treatments
                  fed  with  breast  milk  for  the  first  six  months  as   worldwide in the past few years.
                  breast milk contains all the nutrients necessary
                  for development and provides immunity against
                  infectious diseases.
               E)  For the first six months, it is necessary and
                  sufficient for babies to be fed with breast milk,
                  which contains all the nutrients necessary for
                  development since breast milk provides immunity
                  against infectious diseases.

           12. SINIF                                   81                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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