P. 113
Paragraph Comprehension-3
One of the discoveries of our century is that artificial skin with
Soruları verilen parçalara göre cevaplayınız. different formations has been produced in a laboratory to be a
Medical tests like imaging the internal organs often require operating substitute for human skin. Although these artificial skins differ
on patients or making them swallow big tubes with cameras on them. in their complexity, their main goal is to mimic at least some of
But what if we get the same results with less expensive, invasive, and the skin’s basic functions, such as protecting the body against
time-consuming methods? Scientists from MIT’s Computer Science moisture and infections and regulating the body temperature.
and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), led by Professor Dina The human skin is made up of two layers called the uppermost
Katabi, are working on a device called ReMix, a system which is layer, the epidermis, and the layer below, the dermis. While the
described as ‘in-body GPS.’ Practically, the patient swallows an epidermis serves as a barrier against the environment, the dermis,
implant and ReMix connects this implant wirelessly. If there is a which makes up roughly 90 per cent of the skin, gives the skin its
tumour in a tissue or an organ, the implant homes in it and ReMix
detects its location with the help of wireless signals. To test the device, mechanical structure and flexibility with the proteins-collagen and
Katabi’s group first implanted a small marker in animal tissues. They elastin. The laboratory-produced artificial skins work just like these
used a wireless device that reflects radio signals off the patient to two layers. They are mostly used for treating burns, especially if
track its movement. It was based on a wireless technology that the the patient does not have enough healthy skin to be transplanted
researchers previously demonstrated to detect heart rate, breathing, into the wounded area. In such cases, the patient cannot generate
and movement. A special algorithm then uses that signal to pinpoint enough healthy skin cells to heal the damaged area, which may
the exact location of the marker. In animal tests, they succeeded in even lead to fatal problems. Artificial skin is exactly used at that
tracking the implants with centimetre level accuracy. Now, they think time to close the wound and improve survival by preventing
that such implants can be used to deliver drugs to specific regions in bacterial infections and water loss.
the body in the future.
1. What makes ReMix superior to the other methods used for 4. What is the main function of artificial skin?
medical testing? A) Regulating the body temperature
A) It makes use of a simple program to detect the markers inside B) Serving as a barrier against infections
the body. C) Imitating the skin’s main functions
B) It will be cheaper, less invasive, and time-consuming when D) Giving the skin its flexibility
compared to other ways of viewing internal organs. E) Protecting the body against moisture
C) It will be applicable to all patients in the near future.
D) It is believed that the use of such devices on animals will be
E) It is being developed by a team working for MIT, which is by far
the best institute in the world.
2. ReMix, a system which is described as ‘in-body GPS’, _______. 5. Which statement is true about the epidermis or the dermis?
A) can only connect implants with a very special and expensive A) Epidermis is more vulnerable to attacks from outside than the
program developed by Dina Katabi and her team dermis.
B) utilises wireless technology to locate the tumour inside the B) What gives the skin the flexibility is the epidermis.
human body C) The main barrier against the dangers from the environment is
C) is one of the expensive, invasive, and time-consuming methods the dermis.
used for medical testing D) The most important part of the skin is the dermis.
D) is the best device to detect the locations of tumours inside the E) Most of the skin consists of the dermis.
E) is not practically used in animals for checking the efficiency of it
3. Which of the following is the main idea of this passage? 6. It is understood from the passage that artificial skin _______.
A) Every patient should be encouraged to try new treatments used A) certainly protects everybody from possible bacterial infections
for cancer therapy. B) is useful at a time when a sufferer does not have enough
B) Using technological devices in medicine is not available now, beneficial skin for wounds
but it is supposed to be in the market very soon. C) does not have two layers just like human skin as two layers are
C) The level of accuracy recorded in animal tests is not high useless
enough to see the technology in practice in the near future. D) is the most important cure for any kind of skin injuries
D) It will be possible to use high-tech devices to pinpoint the E) works in a different way when compared with the human skin
location of tumours with the help of implants in the future.
E) The location of tumours will continue to be detected only by
medical tests such as surgical or other invasive procedures.