P. 118

ENGLISH                                                                                       1 STEP

          According to modern theorists, Mars is located on the outer edge of   More than 99 per cent of all the species that have ever lived on
          the habitable zone, and life may exist in one part of the Solar System.   our planet are extinct now. This is mainly because of the constant
          Mars borders a region known as the expanded habitable zone   shuffle of ecological and evolutionary change, but additionally,
          where condensed greenhouse gases will support liquid water on its   many species have vanished in a geological snap during mass
          surface at sufficient atmospheric pressure. According to the data, the   extinctions. For some time, as opposed to reality, new life forms
          water on the Martian surface is much saltier and much more acidic
          than necessary for life. Despite all these negativities, it cannot be   were believed to flourish in the aftermath of those ecological
          said that there are no organisms on Mars or that they have never   disasters. However, what the fossil records tell us about the
          lived. It is also known as the red planet as it has a red appearance   nature of life on Earth does not support the traditional view.
          due to iron oxide. It rotates on its axis in 24.6 hours (a very close   The  very  concept  of  extinction  is  relatively  recent.  Despite the
          rotation time to Earth). It takes 687 days to complete its orbit around   fact that humans both caused and witnessed extinction, one of
          the Sun. Its mass is 1/10  of the Earth's. Of course, snowfall can   the examples of which is 'Dodo', many naturalists doubted that
          also be seen on Mars, but it is a little different from the snow we   extinction was still possible. It was not until the late 1700s that
          know. Since Mars is so cold compared to Earth, the existing water
          is almost completely frozen, trapped in the soil and glaciers. The   extinction was accepted as an inescapable facet of nature when
          water vapour in the atmosphere is not dense enough to form clouds   a young French anatomist named Georges Cuvier, focusing on
          and cause precipitation. According to the findings, the Red Planet   reading animal bodies to understand the organisation of nature,
          was once home to lakes, rivers, and even a large ocean. However,   convincingly argued that species could go extinct, and already had
          all of this surface water evaporated, along with most of the Martian   been long before humanity.
          atmosphere, about 3.5 billion years ago.
        7.   As we learn from the passage, water on the surface of Mars   10.  Which  of  the  following  statements  is  true  according  to  the
            _______.                                               passage?
            A)  disappeared billions of years ago mysteriously     A)  The cause of the extinction of all species is mainly evolutionary
            B)  is too salty and acidic for living beings to live     change.
            C)  may be trapped in Mars' outer crust                B)  Extinction was accepted as an avoidable feature of nature
            D)  is located on the outer edge of the habitable zone    before the 1700s.
                                                                   C)  Cuvier convinced everyone that species could go extinct long
            E)  is trapped in minerals
                                                                      before humanity.
                                                                   D)  Dodo is one of the examples whose extinction people led to
                                                                      and witnessed.
                                                                   E)  Most of the species that have ever lived vanished in a geological

        8.   Which of the following cannot be said about Mars according   11.  What is the topic argued in this passage?
            to the passage?                                        A)  Doomed to extinction
            A)  Because of its crimson colour caused by iron oxide, it is also   B)  Geological snaps
               known as the red planet.                            C)  Mass extinctions
            B)  It rotates on its axis in more than 24 hours.      D)  Ecological disasters
            C)  The atmosphere's water vapour isn't thick enough to generate   E)  New life forms
               clouds and precipitation.
            D)  Mars is warmer than Earth.
            E)  According to the results, there were once lakes, rivers, and
               perhaps a massive ocean on Mars.

        9.   Which one is true about Mars according to the passage?  12.  According to the passage, the traditional view supports the
            A)  Regardless of the drawbacks, it is impossible to say that there   idea that _______.
               are no species on Mars or that they have never existed.  A)  the concept of extinction has always been inevitable
            B)  It takes Mars to complete its orbit around the Sun three times   B)  new life forms are the result of ecological and evolutionary
               longer than Earth.                                     change
            C)  Mars has two moons although scientists are suspicious of the   C)  ecological disasters resulting in mass extinctions cause new
               existence of some others.                              species to form
            D)  NASA's  Mars  rover  Curiosity  has  discovered  previously   D)  extinction of species is possible according to the fossil records
               unknown organic molecules on the Red Planet.        E)  Dodo is an animal species coming into existence after an
            E)  It is named after Mars, the god of war in Roman mythology.  ecological disaster

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