P. 123
Paragraph Comprehension-5
Typically, the term ‘electric car’ refers to battery electric vehicles
Soruları verilen parçalara göre cevaplayınız. equipped with an onboard rechargeable battery pack that can be
plugged into and charged via the electrical grid. The electricity
The Pacific Northwest’s summer 2021 heatwave stood out even
in a world increasingly hammered by weather extremes. For a stored in the vehicle is the only source of energy that powers the
few days in late June, cities like Vancouver, Portland, and Seattle wheels. Although the phrase refers to highway-capable autos, there
baked in record heat, killing hundreds. On June 29, Lytton, a small are other low-speed electric vehicles with weight, power, and top
town in British Columbia, set a new heat record of 49.6° Celsius speed restrictions that are permitted to travel on public highways. In
in Canada, and it was devastated the following day by a wildfire. the United States, these are referred to as Neighbourhood Electric
Within a week, an international team of scientists announced that Vehicles (NEVs), while in Europe, they are referred to as Electric
this unprecedented heat would not have been possible if it were not Motorised Quadricycles. The California Air Resources Board (CARB)
for human-caused climate change. Since the preindustrial era of initiated a drive for more fuel-efficient and low-emission automobiles
1850–1900, the planet’s average surface temperature has increased in the early 1990s, with the ultimate objective of transitioning to
by at least 1.1° Celsius. The reason is that humans are polluting the zero-emission vehicles such as electric vehicles. Automobile
atmosphere with heat-trapping gases created by the combustion manufacturers responded by developing electric vehicles. An electric
of fossil fuels like gasoline and coal, as well as through forest car manufacturing renaissance emerged at the beginning of 2008 due
clearance. A bit more than 1° Celsius of warming may not seem like to battery advancements and a drive to cut greenhouse gas emissions
much. However, it has already been sufficient to alter how energy and thus enhance urban air quality. The electric car sector grew
is distributed across the planet profoundly. The rate of change is significantly in the 2010s owing to government incentives. Numerous
speeding up, and the repercussions are becoming increasingly
visible. Greenland and Antarctica’s ice sheets are melting, resulting automakers have lowered their electric vehicle prices in response to
in rising sea levels and flooding of low-lying island nations and these subsidies, making electric vehicles affordable to a broader part
coastal cities. Drought is wreaking havoc on farmlands and the rivers of society.
that irrigate them. Wildfires are blazing, rainfall is intensifying, and
weather patterns are altering. 4. The underlined word ‘enhance’ in the passage is closest in
meaning to _______.
1. According to the passage, on June 29, a small town in British A) improve
Columbia _______. B) decrease
A) broke the record in Canada for the hottest place in the country, C) aggravate
with 49.6° Celsius D) determine
B) set a new hottest day record globally, and it was devastated by a E) associate
wildfire afterwards
C) experienced at least a 1.1° Celsius increase in its surface
D) stood out as a beacon of hope even in a globe increasingly
ravaged by harsh weather
E) was baked in record heat, which caused hundreds of people to 5. According to the passage, thanks to the state subsidisation of
pass away ‘electric cars’, _______.
A) the production of fuel-based vehicles has finally come to an end
in many developed countries
2. Earth’s surface temperature has risen by at least 1.1° Celsius B) a sharp drop in emission ratios is not expected by the
since the preindustrial era because _______. governments until the next century
A) farmlands and the rivers that supply them with water are suffering C) the use of low-speed electric cars on public roadways is
as a consequence of the current drought authorised under certain conditions
B) the higher trend in Earth’s average temperature indicates that D) their production has increased, and they can be purchased
more locations are warming than are cooling more easily by people from all walks of life
C) the ozone layer has been recovering since the mid-1980s, but the E) they are designed with a power pack that can be charged by
ozone hole is still present in the stratosphere plugging into the power grid
D) the melting ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica are causing
sea levels to rise, leading to more floods
E) humans pollute the atmosphere through deforestation and by
using fossil fuels such as gasoline and coal
6. What is the passage mainly about?
3. The underlined word ‘combustion’ in the passage is closest in A) Benefits of electric vehicles to nature
meaning to _______. B) Differences between fuel-based and electric cars
A) keeping B) stashing C) The emergence and spread of electric cars
C) burning D) damping D) Electric vehicles in terms of environmental concerns
E) teasing E) Advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles