P. 128
2018 YDT 2018 YDT
Today’s symphony orchestra has its roots in 17 century bands. For centuries, the world’s physicists, writers and philosophers have
The earliest orchestras, usually attached to a church, or a theatre, argued about whether time travel is possible, with most coming to
varied in structure from place to place. They were often directed from the conclusion that it is never going to happen. But on a large plot
the keyboard or by the principal violinist. During the 18 century, of land just outside the small town of Comfort, Texas, a group of
as popular works such as those by Haydn and Mozart began to architects, engineers and scientists are building a ‘Timeship’ that
be played all over Europe, some standardization of the orchestra they say it could transport tens of thousands of individuals to a
became necessary. A string section comprising violins, violas, cellos, far-distant future. Their approach does not involve the use of flux
and double basses was usually joined by two horns, two flutes, two capacitors, or zooming at light-speed through black holes. Instead,
trumpets, and timpani. The clarinet became a standard member of the Timeship aims to store people at such low temperatures that
the orchestra only at the end of the 18 century. The 19 century their bodies are preserved for a future civilisation to reanimate
saw the rise of public concerts in large halls, which necessitated them, a concept known as cryonics. “Just as a spaceship allows
louder instruments and larger orchestras. As a result, instruments people to move through space, our Timeship will allow people to
changed. They were redesigned and adapted to enable them to travel to another time in the future,” explains Stephen Valentine,
project further. Larger and smaller versions of some instruments, who is the director and principal architect of the Timeship project.
such as the piccolo, cor anglais, and bass clarinet, were featured
more frequently. Some new instruments were also added, with 10. According to the group of architects, engineers and
trombones and later, tubas becoming standard members of the scientists in Texas, _______.
orchestra. A) the city is not really suitable for the ‘Timeship’ because it is
such a small place
7. According to the passage, the first orchestras _______.
B) it will soon be possible to transport more than 10,000
A) did not all have a consistent structure
people to a far-distant future
B) were able to perform only in churches and theatres
C) it is possible that the bodies of people are preserved with
C) had almost the same structural system with each other
almost no changes
D) used the same instruments as modern orchestras do today
D) their ‘Timeship’ will have the capacity of at most 10,000
E) reached their audiences with louder instruments in larger halls
E) time travel is not likely to take place until a far-distant future
8. It is pointed out in the passage that orchestras in the 19
century _______.
11. According to the passage, the Timeship _______.
A) changed a lot due to the different religious and cultural
A) is designed using the latest technology in order to reach
demands of the leaders at that time
B) were only led by keyboards and principal violinists light-speed efficiently while travelling through time
B) will be able to travel through space, but will avoid black
C) required more members and instruments modified to project
sound further holes through the use of the most modern technology
D) wanted to redesign their instruments so as to use them in small available
churches and theatres C) is constructed in much the same way as a spaceship, but
E) added trombones and tubas because the variety of instruments rather than travelling through space it will simply be used to
in orchestras was limited freeze people
D) will not really move, but rather will show passengers a
simulation of what the far-distant future might look like
E) will house people who have been frozen until some time in
the future, thus having time-travelled
9. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A) To show how orchestras have changed over the years in
terms of their structure and instruments
B) To inform readers about the differences between the 17 and
19 century orchestras 12. Which of the following could be the best title for the
C) To explain how classical music got to be so popular in today’s passage?
modern world A) Why Is Time Travel Essential?
D) To inspire and encourage people to start listening to classical B) A Different Way to Travel Through Time
music C) Faster than a Spaceship
E) To give examples of the types of instruments which were D) How to Create a Timeship
changed or modified after the 19 century E) Travelling to Space