P. 133

ENGLISH                                              1 ST

                                                                3.  Mark:
           Karşılıklı  konuşmanın  boş  bırakılan  kısmını
                                                                    —  When I feel that I am fed up with spending time on social
           tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                      media, I turn on the TV, but mostly I am indecisive about
                                                                      what to watch. What kind of programmes do you like?
         1.  John:                                                  Claire:
            —  Can you look for a good spot to put the tent up, Oscar?   —  _______
            Oscar:                                                 Mark:
            —  _______                                              —  I agree with you. But sometimes I’d prefer to watch some
            John:                                                     entertainment shows to cheer myself up rather than learn
            —  Well, let’s have a look, shall we? Come on!            about wildlife.
            Oscar:                                                 Claire:
            —  Okay. Let’s see then.                                —  Frankly speaking, I do so, too, even though it is just once
                                                                      in a blue moon.
            A)  I’ve never put up a tent on a hill.
            B)  However, will there be enough place in the tent for ten people?  A)  I don’t watch TV at all, so I can’t recommend one to you.
            C)  Is that hill high enough for climbing?             B)  I haven’t watched TV for a very long time.
            D)  Yes, I have already found a good place.            C)  In this social media age, watching TV is out of date.
            E)  There has never been a suitable place for camping.   D)  I prefer watching all types of programmes which make me feel
                                                                   E)  I can hardly find any programmes worth watching apart from

         2.  David:                                             4.  Jeff:
            —  I wonder if you have my test results.                —  Hey Tina, you don’t look good. What is the matter with
            Doctor:                                                   you?
            —  I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but I want you to   Tina:
               log onto our website for a printout of all the details.  —  I don’t know Jeff. I have been feeling very stressed for a
            David:                                                    while, which is negatively affecting my whole life.
            —  So, basically, I am OK?                             Jeff:
            Doctor:                                                 —  _______
            —  If there were any major problems, I would always notify   Tina:
               you by phone to come in.                             —  Not  really.  It  can  be  because  of  my  boss,  who  makes
            David:                                                    me feel under pressure most of the time, or maybe it is
            —  _______                                                because of the surgery that I will undergo next month.
                                                                   A)  Don’t you think you should spare some time for yourself?
            —  A description of each test is issued there.
                                                                   B)  Why don’t you make yourself comfortable and tell me all the
            A)  I don’t like to go to hospital at all.                details?
            B)  Should I take a rest and do nothing?               C)  Have you got any ideas about what could be the causes of it?
            C)  Where can I find all these medicines?              D)  Getting your annual leave from work and travelling somewhere
            D)  Do I have to take all the pills that you recommend to me?  can make you feel better.
            E)  What will I learn when I see the results on the website?  E)  Would you mind if I asked you a personal question?

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