P. 135
3. Hazel:
Karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını
— Ever since I started writing my thesis on the laptop, I have
tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. had difficulty seeing objects from afar. Also, sometimes
my eyes hurt a lot.
1. William: Oscar:
— It’s freezing outside! What happened to the weather — This is a problem experienced by most people working at
report? I thought this cold front was supposed to pass. a computer for long periods of time. Why don’t you see an
Henry: eye doctor, preferably an optometrist?
— _______ Hazel:
William: — _______
— I guess the wind chill is really driving down the Oscar:
temperature. — I think you need an optometrist first. An optometrist
Henry: examines, diagnoses, and treats your eyes, but the latter
— Can we go inside? I feel like my toes are starting to go performs medical and surgical interventions.
A) I know I should, but I don’t think my boss will let me go to a
A) I know. You must be so careful when you’re driving. hospital these days since I need to finish the report by next
B) Yeah, I thought so too. That’s what I read online this morning. week.
C) I just got a new job in the city, so I’m shopping for some clothes. B) I will try a few home remedies that my friends advised to
D) Well, I have a bad cough and a sore throat. I also have a alleviate the pain.
headache. C) When it comes to eye health, I am extremely meticulous. I
E) Thanks! I’ve only been in town a few days, so I don’t know my would like to see an optometrist who’s very good in his field.
way around yet. Do you know a good one?
D) Before seeing an ophthalmologist, I should first buy a screen
filter for the computer to protect my eyes from the light.
E) Which one would be a better choice then? I don’t know what
the difference is.
4. Daniel:
2. Hugh: — It may not make much sense to you, but since I started
— Have you heard that our company will be taken over by a working at this desk by the window, I have been feeling
group of foreign investors? much more energetic and positive.
Laila: Ashley:
— _______ — _______
Hugh: Daniel:
— If I hadn’t overheard him saying it to the human resources — I didn’t know if it had anything to do with such a scientific
manager, I wouldn’t have thought it was true, either. explanation. Was the reason for it also mentioned?
Laila: Ashley:
— Are you serious? It is not a simple rumour then. I hope we — Yes, it is because of the natural light from the window that
will not need to look for another job. reduces eye strain, headaches, and drowsiness.
A) Yes, I have, but I won’t believe it until I hear it from the boss A) Maybe you’d feel better if you also opened the window.
himself. B) Don’t talk nonsense. What does sitting by the window have to
B) Sure. It doesn’t matter to me who owns the company, as long do with feeling good?
as I am not fired. C) I don’t know if science has any explanation for it, but it sounds
C) Yes, but there is no official statement from the company yet so weird to me.
confirming this news. D) This is interesting. If a study were conducted on this subject, a
D) No, I’ve just learned it from you. Do you know if this is true or scientific basis might be found out about the reason for it.
not? E) In fact, it does. Once, I read an article saying that workers in
E) Of course, it’s been a long time since I heard it. I think the open-plan offices are more productive when they sit at window
takeover of the company is imminent. desks.