P. 137

ENGLISH                                             3

                                                                3.  Tom:
           Karşılıklı  konuşmanın  boş  bırakılan  kısmını
                                                                    —  Hey Jeff, have you been to the art room today? Mr Jennings
           tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.                          hung up a notice there.
          2018 YDT
                                                                    —  No, not yet. What’s on the notice?
         1.  Journalist:                                           Tom:
            —  Experts warn that food industries are being threatened by a
               growing resistance to antibiotics.                   —  _______
            Researcher:                                            Jeff:
            —  Yes, it’s becoming more serious day by day. A UK government   —  You  mean,  like,  making  a  painting  on  the  entire  wall  of  a
               report states that by 2050, antimicrobial resistance will cost   building?
               more money than the current size of the world’s economy,
               leading to catastrophes in food production.         Tom:
                                                                    —  Exactly.
            —  _______
            Researcher:                                            A)  A big project that’s going on downtown; they are going to create a
            —  For example, if you buy a farmed salmon today, chances are   mural.
               it will have eaten a greater weight of antibiotics during its life   B)  The students from this school design and paint the public library.
               than its own body weight.                           C)  All the design ideas students come up with should have a natural
            Journalist:                                               design.
            —  So, we can say that farming practices are perfect for boosting   D)  We will have a school trip to the zoo this weekend.
               antimicrobial resistance.
                                                                   E)  We will do a lot of work to fix Main Street.
            A)  We know that farmers rely heavily on antibiotics. What is the
               reason behind their practices?
            B)  What can health scientists and clinicians do to sort out the problem?
            C)  Can you tell us how antimicrobial resistance affects food?
            D)  Do you think food industries could collapse if resistance spreads?
            E)  What else does the report warn us about?
                                                                4.  Isabel:
                                                                    —  Can you believe that there are more than 5.7 million children
                                                                      under five on the brink of starvation worldwide?
          2020 YDT                                                  —  It  is  a  big  shame  for  humanity.  In  today’s  world,  we  have
         2.  Interviewer:                                             enough food to feed every child if we distribute it fairly.
            —  Where did your idea of package delivery using unmanned   Isabel:
               flying vehicles, drones, come from?                  —  _______
            Entrepreneur:                                          Sophia:
            —  Well, I’ve been passionate about aviation all of my life. Also, a   —  Reducing the worst effects of both is only part of the solution.
               few years ago my company decided that technology was then   However, in order to solve these problems, all the international
               mature enough to pursue it.                            communities  must  address  the  underlying  causes  of  food
            Interviewer:                                              and nutrition insecurity.
            —  _______
            Entrepreneur:                                          A)  Although Africa has the highest number of starving children in the
            —  One  is  the  capability  to  operate  safely  and  independently,   world, some countries on the continent are still at war with each
               without crashing into anything or anyone.              other, which makes the situation worse.
                                                                   B)  You are right. Furthermore, hunger, according to the World Health
             A)  What do you think can you do to make drone delivery economically   Organization, is still the most serious threat to global public health.
               more competitive?                                   C)  Furthermore, for the first time in decades, child hunger and
            B)  Why do you think ordinary people have so many concerns about   malnutrition are on the rise because of the deadly combination of
               drone delivery?                                        Covid-19 and the impacts of climate change.
            C)  How confident are you that people will choose your delivery   D)  In my opinion, hunger is one of the problems of humanity that
               system?                                                will never be solved as long as the world population continues to
            D)  What are some of the technical improvements you want to achieve   increase.
               to enhance the drone delivery system?               E)  I agree with you. In addition, malnutrition in the early stages also
            E)  Which types of drones are the most appealing for most customers?  has a negative effect on mental health of those children.

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