P. 141

ENGLISH                                             2

                                                                3.  Grace:
           Karşılıklı  konuşmanın  boş  bırakılan  kısmını
                                                                    —  Do you know that cell phone batteries generally last one
           tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.                          to  two  years,  which  equals  approximately  300  to  500
                                                                      charging cycles?
         1.  Burak:
            —  The report says a company is launching some satellites   Jacob:
               in a project to deliver affordable Internet access to every   —  _______
               corner of the globe.                                Grace:
            Matilda:                                                —  And your warranty can cover the replacement if it hasn’t
            —  _______                                                expired.
            Burak:                                                 Jacob:
            —  Well, China, Russia, and North Korea have already voiced   —  You’re a life-saver. Thanks.
               concerns that the network could damage their national
               security.                                           A)  Why didn’t you tell me that earlier? I wouldn’t bother to buy a
                                                                      new cell phone then. Is that so?
            —  As a matter of fact, they might be right as such a network   B)  Then I’ll order a new battery right away. Can you please
               could be used to gather intelligence.                  replace it for me?
                                                                   C)  I didn’t know that. I wish I’d bought a phone with a higher
            A)  Connecting millions of people who are currently not connected   battery capacity.
               will greatly alter their lives; however, I don’t think everyone will   D)  What about scratches on the screen? I hope there’s also an
               be happy at the prospect of a global network.          easy way to remove them.
            B)  I’ve read that too. It seems they have already launched six   E)  Really? This explains why my phone drains more rapidly than
               satellites, and they intend to send some 600 more by the end   in the past.
               of the year.
            C)  They’re going to start by focusing on connecting schools,
               connecting boats, connecting planes, and connecting huge
               territories of the planet.
            D)  However, the project may be shut down before it can even
               begin since the threat of space junk is growing. So, only time
               can tell us whether the project will be successful.
            E)  The Russian government has been tightening its grip over the
               Internet since social media facilitated huge protests against the
               government in 2011 - 2013.

         2.  Dominic:                                           4.  Antonio:
            —  I can’t believe how sore I felt after playing just one game of   —  Yesterday,  I  came  across  a  TV  programme  about
               football yesterday.                                    sleeping disorders, and now I’m pretty sure about what
            Frederick:                                                I’m suffering from.
            —  _______                                             Phoebe:
            Dominic:                                                —  Go on, don’t leave me in suspense.
            —  I’m  sure  you’re  right,  but  I  simply  don’t  have  time   Antonio:
               nowadays.                                            —  _______
            Frederick:                                             Phoebe:
            —  Well, I guess you’ve either got to spare time or live with   —  So, it’s just oversleeping.
               the pain.
                                                                   A)  It’s a rare disease by which one in 100 people is affected,
            A)  Really? I feel fine except that I’m a bit tired after spending   which means I’m special.
               hours at the club.
            B)  I know what you mean. I felt as if I had run a marathon and   B)  I remember vaguely, but it might be something like the inability
               been run over by a couple of cars.                     to fall or remain asleep.
            C)  Maybe we should try playing football more often. It is a lot of fun   C)  It’s hypersomnia, a condition where one wakes up feeling
               even if it does hurt the next day.                     tired even after sleeping for 12 - 15 hours.
            D)  If you exercised regularly, a little physical exertion wouldn’t   D)  I have sleep apnoea; in other words, my body takes in less
               cause you so much discomfort.                          oxygen while I sleep.
            E)  I’m in a lot of pain myself. I’m glad the game was only an hour   E)  It’s similar to anaemia, a deficiency in the number or quality of
               and not 90 minutes.                                    red blood cells in your body.

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