P. 144
5. Customer: 7. Emily:
— Despite all my complaints, I still have connection — Since every country in the world contributes to climate
problems, and I don’t want to pay money for the Internet change, more or less, they are all responsible for global
I can’t use anymore. Therefore, I want to cancel the warming they cause.
contract. Hassan:
Customer Representative: — True, but not all are equally responsible.
— OK. I’ve cancelled it as you requested, but you’ll have Emily:
to stop by one of our branches for a wet signature. And — You are right, but how can we know which country has
how do you want to pay your early termination fee? how much influence on it? If only there were clear data
Customer: showing how much influence each country has.
— _______ Hassan:
Customer Representative: — _______
— Let me check. It seems you have a 24-month term, so Emily:
it’ll be roughly $300. Should you refuse to pay it, the — Great. Such a document is invaluable to future
company sues you to levy execution. generations showing how guilty their ancestors are of
global warming.
A) May I ask exactly how much it is and what happens if I don’t
pay it? A) It would be very difficult to create such a data table as there is
B) I want to know if the tax is included or excluded. so much variation between countries.
C) Could you at least increase my Internet speed as a gesture of B) Such a document can only make sense if it is created based
goodwill? on very concrete and objective data.
D) Is it possible to pay in instalments without interest? C) In fact, there is a report about it called ‘emissions inequality’
E) As I’ve said before, I refuse to pay for something which I’ve published by the World Inequality Lab that highlights how
never been able to use. much countries contribute to climate change.
D) Since such a report will probably be prepared by the
developed countries that cause climate change the most,
none of them will take the blame for global warming.
E) In parallel with the development level of the nations, the
impact of each country on global warming can be evaluated.
8. Clara:
6. Daisy:
— I’ve got a splitting headache again. Do you have
— _______
anything to ease it?
— A pigeon? How on earth did this happen?
— _______
— As far I as remember, it was thanks to a carrier pigeon.
— You’re right. I’ll do it first tomorrow.
Despite being injured, she was able to deliver the
— It’s the right thing to do, or you might end up at the
emergency service.
— I’m speechless with amazement.
A) There is a late-night pharmacy near here, but I don’t think
A) I was shocked when I learnt a pigeon can navigate by sensing they’ll sell antibiotics without a prescription.
the Earth’s magnetic field and using the sun for direction.
B) Last night, I watched a documentary about World War I and B) Sorry, but why don’t you see a doctor? You’re having a lot of
headaches these days. It might be a sign of a serious illness.
learnt that a pigeon saved nearly 200 soldiers.
C) Did you know that the pigeon has served humankind as C) I’d like to give you a painkiller, but unfortunately, I don’t have
any. I need to buy some as soon as possible.
a symbol, a source of food, and a messenger over the D) I’ve already given you a strong sedative. Close your eyes and
get some rest. I’m sure you’ll feel a lot better in the morning.
D) Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets are said to mention the E) Do you want to try complementary medicine? I have some
domestication of pigeons more than 5 millennia ago.
E) It’s estimated that 200,000 homing pigeons were used during herbs in the cupboard that will relieve the pain immediately.
World War I and World War II, and they were essential to the
strategies of various armies.