P. 145
3. Ayça:
Karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını
— I’ve just learnt that one more town in Türkiye received
tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
the title of cittaslow in March. Do you know what this
word means?
1. Alex: Jenny:
— There is a wonderful exhibition in the big mall called
— Yes, cittaslow is a type of sustainable living
‘Leonardo da Vinci: Artificial Intelligence, the Wisdom
of Light, Humanity, and the Metaverse from CERN to that focuses on preserving the city’s originality,
conserving the environment, and increasing the
NASA’. I have two tickets; do you want to come with me?
Mary: quality of life. Which town took the title?
— _______ Ayça:
Alex: — _______
— I’m sorry to hear that because I really wish you could Jenny:
see this fantastic visual show. — Unfortunately, not. I haven’t had a chance to travel to
Mary: that part of the country.
— Maybe I won’t be able to visit this magnificent
A) Safranbolu, which is famous for its traditional Ottoman
exhibition with you, but I will be pleased if you share
your photos with me after your visit. houses. Would you like to go there?
B) Kemaliye. It is a small town in Erzincan on the eastern
A) Thank you very much for this kind invitation; I would be side. Have you ever been there?
very happy to visit this exhibition with you. C) Alanya is one of the busiest towns in summer due to a lot
B) Since I’m not very interested in art, this exhibition didn’t of tourists coming for a holiday, isn’t it?
attract my attention. I’m sorry. D) As far as I remember, it’s Foça where you spent your
C) You came to me with such a great offer as you know my holiday last summer. Did you like it?
interest in artificial intelligence, didn’t you? E) The news says that it’s Cumalıkızık. Isn’t it surprising that
D) I’ve heard that it’s a great exhibit, but I think fast I’m visiting there next week?
transitions and loud music won’t be good for me as I have
E) Artificial intelligence includes creating intelligent
technologies like search algorithms and self-driving cars.
2. Ted:
— It says here that the High Mountains in Portugal is
one of the lesser-known books by the famous author,
Yann Martel.
Mark: 4. Dwight:
— I think that’s very sad. If I wrote a book, I would want
— What does the term ‘ghosting’ really mean?
it to be read by the majority.
Ted: Michael:
— Well, it is essentially related to online relationships
— _______
Mark: on social media.
— You’re right. It is one of the most respected literary
awards in the world. — _______
A) It wouldn’t be wise of you to write a book with that limited — All right, I’ll try. It refers to a time when a friend of yours
knowledge of literature. ends all communication with you without warning.
B) I wonder if you will be able to win a prize in the field of
literature one day. A) I don’t get your point. Can you be a bit more specific?
C) I think so. It’s a pity that all the money he spent on B) Are you saying that the increasing use of social media is
publication wasn’t worth it. the cause?
D) I may be wrong, but I read the news about his winning the C) Do you mean ghosting is a popular colloquial term?
Academy Award for the best film. D) Are you claiming that it is a form of social rejection?
E) Yes, but he had the satisfaction of receiving the 2002 E) Despite being a new term, the act of ghosting existed well
Man Booker Prize for his novel, Life of Pi. before the digital age, right?