P. 148
5. Dad: 7. Eva:
— Are you all right? Your message has sounded urgent. — It’s really interesting that the microbes in our guts play
Is there a problem? an important role in what we choose to eat.
Daughter: Tom:
— I was driving along the motorway, and my front tyre — I don’t fully understand how these microbes affect our
burst. I don’t know what to do. eating habits. How is it possible?
Dad: Eva:
— _______ — _______
Daughter: Tom:
— About half an hour ago. They said they were on their — So, it means it’s not us who determine our diet, but the
way here, but they haven’t shown up yet. microbes in our guts.
A) Do you need any help? I can call the roadside assistance A) The idea that microbes affect our behaviour may seem
team. exaggerated to us, but not to experts.
B) Do you remember when the last time you had your car B) These digestive by-products indicate that you’ve consumed
examined was? an adequate amount of food.
C) I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m too busy with work at the C) In fact, there are certainly dozens of signals that affect our
moment. feeding behaviour on a daily basis.
D) Calm down, honey, and tell me where you are. I’m coming D) Well, they produce some substances that prompt cravings
right now. for different kinds of foods.
E) If you can pull over, position your car in a safe place. Did E) Actually, it doesn’t make sense to me, either. I need to do
you call the technical assistance? detailed ,research on this subject.
6. Paul: 8. Victoria:
— I have read in a recent study that scientists have — I think Elvis Presley’s manager was a kind of genius.
identified 5,500 new virus species in the oceans. Don’t Joseph:
you think it is astonishing? — What makes you think so?
Sandra: Victoria:
— _______ — _______
Paul: Joseph:
— The researchers believe that knowing the diversity — Wow, that’s one of the most ingenious marketing
and quantity of viruses in the world’s oceans can aid methods I’ve ever heard of.
in explaining the function of marine microbes in ocean
A) He sold ‘I Hate Elvis’ badges to make money from those
adaptation to climate change.
who weren’t buying Elvis merchandise.
— Oh, I see. Thus, it could help us take the necessary B) The manager of the most famous and popular entertainer
steps to reverse global warming, right? in the world couldn’t help but be in the public eye.
C) He had turned down dozens of offers, which totalled
Paul: millions of dollars, to have Elvis tour the world.
— Yes, it is true.
D) Elvis became one of the world’s most popular and
A) Yes, I’ve read it too, but considering the enormous size of successful entertainers with his first single, Heartbreak
the ocean, it didn’t surprise me at all. Hotel.
E) He received over half of Elvis’ early success income, which
B) This is truly remarkable, but I wonder how the discovery of
was extraordinary for a music manager at the time.
so many viruses will benefit the Earth.
C) Wow! Do you know how many people participated in the
study and how long it took?
D) If the studies continue in the upcoming years, I think
thousands of new species will be discovered.
E) It is really unbelievable. Funding for this type of crucial
study must be very high.